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    51 Pullman Street
    Worcester, MA 01606

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    Local # 2200
    700 Congress St Suite 200
    Quincy, MA 02169

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    Builders Association of Greater Boston
    Local # 2220
    700 Congress St. Suite 202
    Quincy, MA 02169

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    North East Builders Assn of MA
    Local # 2255
    170 Main St Suite 205
    Tewksbury, MA 01876

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    Home Builders and Remodelers Association of Western Mass
    Local # 2270
    240 Cadwell Dr
    Springfield, MA 01104

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    Bristol-Norfolk Home Builders Association
    Local # 2211
    65 Neponset Ave Ste 3
    Foxboro, MA 02035

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    Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Cape Cod
    Local # 2230
    9 New Venture Dr #7
    South Dennis, MA 02660

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    Building Expert News and Information
    For Cambridge Massachusetts

    Two Injured in Walkway Collapse of Detroit Apartment Complex

    Update Regarding New York City’s Climate Mobilization Act (CMA) and the Reduction of Carbon Emissions in New York City

    Balfour in Talks With Carillion About $5 Billion Merger

    2017 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

    No Duty to Defend Under Renter's Policy

    Finding Plaintiff Intentionally Spoliated Evidence, the Northern District of Indiana Imposes Sanction

    CA Supreme Court Permits Insurers to Bring Direct Actions Seeking Reimbursement of Excessive Fees Against Cumis Counsel Under Limited Circumstances

    AI in Construction: What Does It Mean for Our Contractors?

    Get Smarter About Electric Construction Equipment

    Hurricane Harvey Victims Face New Hurdles In Pursuing Coverage

    Without Reservations: Fourth Circuit Affirms That Vague Reservation of Rights Waived Insurers’ Coverage Arguments

    Philadelphia Enacts Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Program

    When Your “Private” Project Suddenly Turns into a “Public” Project. Hint: It Doesn’t Necessary Turn on Public Financing or Construction

    Bill Taylor Co-Authors Chapter in Pennsylvania Construction Law Book

    Delaware State Court Holds that Defective Workmanship Claims do not Trigger Coverage by a Builder’s Commercial General Liability Policy

    LA Lakers Partially Survive Motion to Dismiss COVID-19 Claims

    Arbitrator May Use Own Discretion in Consolidating Construction Defect Cases

    Alaska Civil Engineers Give the State's Infrastructure a "C-" Grade

    More In-Depth Details on the Davis-Bacon Act Overhaul

    Tariffs, Supply Snarls Spur Search for Factories Closer to U.S.

    Florida Property Bill Passes Economic Affairs Committee with Amendments

    Top 10 Hurricane Preparedness Practices for Construction Sites

    Unesco Denies Claim It Cleared Construction of Zambezi Dam

    Nevada Assembly Passes Construction Defect Bill

    Construction Slow to Begin in Superstorm Sandy Cases

    Court Adopts Magistrate's Recommendation to Deny Insurer's Summary Judgment Motion in Collapse Case

    Deadline for Hurricane Ian Disaster Recovery Applications Announced

    OSHA Advisory Committee, Assemble!

    Maryland Court Affirms Condo Association’s Right to Sue for Construction Defects

    California Case That Reads Like Russian Novel Results in Less Than Satisfying Result for Both Project Owner and Contractors

    Understanding Indiana’s New Home Construction Warranty Act

    California Homeowners Can Release Future, Unknown Claims Against Builders

    Client Alert: Michigan Insurance Company Not Subject to Personal Jurisdiction in California for Losses Suffered in Arkansas

    Construction Contract Basics: No Damages for Delay

    CGL Policy May Not Cover Cybersecurity and Data-Related Losses

    New York Considers Amendments to Construction Industry Wage Laws that Would Impose Significant Burden Upon Contractors

    Charles Carter v. Pulte Home Corporation

    Contractors’ Right to Sue in Washington Requires Registration

    Duty to Defend Requires Payments Under Policy's Supplemental Payments Provision

    U.S. District Court for Hawaii Again Determines Construction Defect Claims Do Not Arise From An Occurrence

    Significant Issues Test Applies to Fraudulent Claims to Determine Attorney’s Fees

    Bright-Line Changes: Prompt Payment Act Trends

    Banks Rejected by U.S. High Court on Mortgage Securities Suits

    Quick Note: Remember to Timely Foreclose Lien Against Lien Transfer Bond

    From the Ground Up

    2016 Hawaii Legislature Enacts Five Insurance-Related Bills

    Court Upholds Plan to Eliminate Vehicles from Balboa Park Complex

    Governor Murphy Approves Legislation Implementing Public-Private Partnerships in New Jersey

    Real Estate & Construction News Roundup (7/31/24) – International Homebuying Shrinks Commercial Real Estate Focus on Sustainability, and U.S. Banks Boost Provisions for Credit Losses

    New York’s Highest Court Reverses Lower Court Ruling That Imposed Erroneous Timeliness Requirement For Disclaimers of Coverage
    Corporate Profile


    Leveraging from more than 7,000 construction defect and claims related expert witness designations, the Cambridge, Massachusetts Building Expert Group provides a wide range of trial support and consulting services to Cambridge's most acknowledged construction practice groups, CGL carriers, builders, owners, and public agencies. Drawing from a diverse pool of construction and design professionals, BHA is able to simultaneously analyze complex claims from the perspective of design, engineering, cost, or standard of care.

    Building Expert News & Info
    Cambridge, Massachusetts

    No Repeal Process for Rejected Superstorm Sandy Grant Applications

    February 12, 2014 —
    Even though it’s been revealed that “faulty data” was used to reject many New Jersey recovery grants for victims of Superstorm Sandy, the state has announced that it’s too late to appeal, according to The Wall Street Journal. “The applicants were informed by letter that they weren't eligible,” state officials told The Wall Street Journal, “and it should have been clear that they needed to appeal last year, so the application process won't be reopened.” The majority of the rejected applicants that did appeal within the open period were found to be eligible for the grant: “Nearly 80% of people who appealed their rejections ended up winning their cases, according to data released by the Fair Share Housing Center, a public-interest law firm critical of the Christie administration. And of the 8,007 applicants rejected from both programs, 5,583 didn't appeal, or 70%, according to Fair Share Housing Center's analysis.” U.S. Representative Bill Pascrell called for “an independent monitor” to be “appointed to oversee the state’s storm spending ‘to ensure there isn’t further mismanagement.’” Read the court decision
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    Insurer Entitled to Reimbursement of Defense Costs Under Unjust Enrichment Theory

    May 04, 2020 —
    The federal district court for the district of Hawaii determined that the insurer could recover defense costs from an additional insured consistent with its Reservation of Rights letter under an unjust enrichment theory. Giga, Inc. v. Kiewit Infrastructure W. Co., 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 10151 (D. Haw. Jan. 22, 2020). This case was related fall-out from the Arthur case. Arthur v. Dept. of Hawaiian Homelands, 185 Haw. 149 (Haw. Ct. App. 2015). A prior post on the case is here. In Arthur, a resident, Mona Arthur, of the Kalawahine Streamside Housing Development, was killed when she apparently slipped and fell from a hillside adjacent to the project. She was on the hillside tending to her garden there. At the bottom of the hill was a two foot fence in front of a drainage ditch, where Mona allegedly hit her head. Mona's husband, William Arthur, sued a variety of defendants including the land owner, designer, developer, civil engineer and others. William alleged the defendants were negligent in the design, construction and supervision of the construction of the hillside area. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Tred R. Eyerly, Damon Key Leong Kupchak Hastert
    Mr. Eyerly may be contacted at

    Nevada State Senator Says HOA Scandal Shows Need for Construction Defect Reform

    November 13, 2013 —
    A Nevada State Senator sees the ongoing HOA scandal as a sign that the state’s construction defect laws need to be revised. State Senator Mike Schneider says that the law “is flawed and actually makes it too easy to do what these folks have done.” What these folks have done has, of course, lead to a number of indictments and guilty pleas in federal court. One problem that Senator Schneider points to in current Nevada construction defect law is that homeowner attorneys get 40% of any settlement, sometimes leaving homeowners without sufficient funds to repair the defects. “It’s gotten out of hand. We pay some outrageous costs and fees in this cases.” Read the court decision
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    The Latest News on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

    May 01, 2014 —
    The Federal Housing Finance Agency released a report on April 30th, which stated that in a severe economic downturn Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FMCC) “could require an additional bailout of as much as $190 billion… according to the results of stress tests,” according to Clea Benson writing for Bloomberg. “These results of the severely adverse scenario are not surprising given the company’s limited capital,” FNMA Senior Vice President Kelli Parsons said in a statement, as reported by Benson published in Bloomberg. “Under the terms of the senior preferred stock purchase agreement, Fannie Mae is not permitted to retain capital to withstand a sudden, unexpected economic shock of the magnitude required by the stress test.” Furthermore, in another Bloomberg article, Cheyenne Hopkins and Clea Benson reported that Democrats remain divided on how to replace FNMA and FMCC. “If we don’t get this right, we’ll create major disturbances in the housing market which will have a profound impact on families, on homeownership and certainly on our national economy,” Oregon Democrat Jeff Merkley said in an interview, as reported by Cheyenne and Benson. “Merkley described himself as ‘still in negotiations’ with the bill’s sponsors.” Read the full story, Clea Benson Article... Read the full story, Cheyenne Hopkins & Clea Benson Article... Read the court decision
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    Arizona Supreme Court Upholds Constitutionality of Provision Relating to Statutory Authority for Constructing and Operating Sports and Tourism Complexes

    June 18, 2019 —
    In an opinion published February 25, 2019, the Arizona Supreme Court held that Maricopa County’s surcharge on car rental agencies to fund a stadium and other sports- and tourism-related projects did not violate either the dormant Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution or the anti-diversion provision of the Arizona Constitution, art. 9, § 14. Saban Rent-a-Car LLC v. Ariz. Dep’t of Revenue. In 2000, the Arizona Legislature created the Arizona Tourism and Sports Authority (the Authority) to build and/or operate a variety of sports-related facilities, including Major League Baseball spring training facilities, and youth and amateur sports and recreation centers. Taxes and surcharges, approved by voters, are the sole funding for the Authority’s construction projects, including the challenged surcharge in Maricopa County. This surcharge is based on the income from car rental companies leasing vehicles to customers for less than one year, and is the greater of $2.50 per rental or 3.25% of the company’s gross proceeds or income. A.R.S. § 5-839. The state treasurer deposits $2.50 per rental transaction into the Maricopa County Stadium District, as it has since 1991, and the remaining amount of the difference between $2.50 per transaction and 3.25% of the company’s gross income or proceeds is distributed to the Authority. Rental car companies often pass this surcharge on to their customers. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Amanda Z. Weaver, Snell & Wilmer
    Ms. Weaver may be contacted at

    Contract, Breach of Contract, and Material Breach of Contract

    July 05, 2023 —
    At its most basic level, a contract is an agreement to make a trade. Parties to a contract agree to perform a specific action on the condition that the other side also performs a specific action. For instance, you and a Girl Scout could create a contract in which the Girl Scout agrees to deliver one box of cookies and you agree to pay her $6.00. In this case, both you and the Girl Scout have obligations under the contract. If the Girl Scout failed to send you the cookies, what do you do? You send her a note, in writing, telling her that you expect the cookies (or assurance that you will get the cookies) within a certain amount of time—this is notice and the opportunity to cure. Most contracts have a “notice and opportunity to cure” provision, which essentially says that one side must give the other side an opportunity to fix breaches before canceling the contract. Once a party receives a notice to cure, they must either rectify the problem or offer adequate assurances that they will fix the problem. Generally, the party has only a short period of time to address the breach. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Wendy Rosenstein, Ahlers Cressman & Sleight PLLC

    Construction Defect Attorneys Call for Better Funding of Court System

    June 28, 2013 —
    The construction defect law firm Anderson Shoech has a solution to some of the problems with the California courts. They note that cases often work their way through the system more slowly than they did in the past, due to “unprecedented cuts of over $1 billion from the State Court budget.” Prior to the cuts, cases were resolved “within six months to a year.” Under the current conditions, those involved in a lawsuit “would be lucky if their case was heard within 18 months of filing and could expect at least two full years to pass.” They recommend that California return to appropriately funding the court system. Failure to do so could cause business to go to states “with a functioning and predictable court system.” Read the court decision
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    Selected Environmental Actions Posted on the Fall 2018 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulator Actions

    November 06, 2018 —
    The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, housed in the Office of Management and Budget, has issued the Fall 2018 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions to be taken over the next several months by federal executive departments and agencies. This report will highlight some of the environmental actions, to be proposed or finalized soon by these agencies. Eventually, the Agenda will be published in the Federal Register. 1. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) EPA, of course, has listed by far the largest number of actions. For instance, EPA’s agenda lists 92 separate actions to be taken under its Clean Air Act (CAA) authority. As an example, EPA reports that it will issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in May 2019 of its proposals to increase consistency and true transparency in considering the cost benefit of its proposed rules, and review the standards of performance for new, modified, and reconstructed sources of greenhouse gas emissions by means of an NPRM to be issued in November 2018. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Anthony B. Cavender, Pillsbury
    Mr. Cavender may be contacted at