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    Local # 0740
    20 Hartford Rd Suite 18
    Salem, CT 06420

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    Local # 0720
    2189 Silas Deane Highway
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Local # 0755
    2189 Silas Deane Hwy
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Local # 0710
    110 Brook St
    Torrington, CT 06790

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    Local # 0700
    3 Regency Dr Ste 204
    Bloomfield, CT 06002

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    Building Expert News and Information
    For Fairfield Connecticut

    COVID-19 Response: California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board Implements Sweeping New Regulations to Prevent COVID-19 in the Workplace

    Loss Ensuing from Alleged Faulty Workmanship is Covered

    Insurer Sued for Altering Policies after Claim

    Condo Developers Buy in Washington despite Construction Defect Litigation

    No Subrogation, Contribution Rights for Carrier Defending Construction Defect Claim

    AIA Releases State-Specific Waiver and Release Forms

    Disappearing Data: Avoid Losing Electronic Information to Avoid Losing the Case

    Not If, But When: Newly Enacted Virginia Legislation Bans “Pay-If-Paid” Clauses In Construction Contracts

    Lessee Deemed Statutory Employer, Immune from Tort Liability by Pennsylvania Court

    Fourth Circuit Rejects Application of Wrap-Up Exclusion to Additional Insured

    Work to Solve the Mental Health Crisis in Construction

    Time is Money. Unless You’re an Insurance Company

    Developer Transition – Washington DC Condominiums

    Limitation on Coverage for Payment of Damages Creates Ambiguity

    DoD Will Require New Cybersecurity Standards in 2020: Could Other Agencies Be Next?

    Low Interest Rates Encourages Homeowners to become Landlords

    Extrinsic Evidence, or Eight Corners? Texas Court Sheds Light on Determining the Duty to Defend

    Ten Firm Members Recognized as Super Lawyers or Rising Stars

    40 Year Anniversary – Congratulations Ed Doernberger

    No Coverage for Installation of Defective Steel Framing

    Texas Plans a Texas-Sized Response to Rising Seas

    Chicago Developer and Trade Group Sue City Over Affordable Housing Requirements

    PCL Sues Big Bank for $30M in Claimed NJ Mall Unpaid Work

    Attempt to Overrule Trial Court's Order to Produce Underwriting Manual Fails

    Substituting Materials and Failure to Comply with Contractual Requirements

    Reminder: Pay if Paid Not All Encompassing (but Could it be?)

    Water Damage: Construction’s Often Unnoticed Threat

    Keep it Simple with Nunn-Agreements in Colorado

    Save a Legal Fee: Prevent Costly Lawsuits With Claim Limitation Clauses

    Flushing Away Liability: What the Aqua Engineering Case Means for Contractors and Subcontractors

    No Coverage for Building's First Collapse, But Disputed Facts on Second Collapse

    Precast Standards' Work Under Way as Brittle Fracture Warnings Aired

    Alabama Supreme Court States Faulty Workmanship can be an Occurrence

    Caveat Emptor (“Buyer Beware!”) Exceptions

    Colorado House Bill 20-1290 – Restriction on the Use of Failure to Cooperate Defense in First-Party Claims

    COVID-19 Case Remanded for Failure to Meet Amount in Controversy

    Resilience: Transforming the Energy Sector – Navigating Land Issues in Solar and Storage Projects | Episode 3 (11.14.24)

    Illinois Supreme Court Limits Reach of Implied Warranty Claims Against Contractors

    Affordable Housing should not be Filled with Defects

    Brazil World Cup Soccer Crisis Deepens With Eighth Worker Death

    Sometimes, Being too Cute with Pleading Allegations is Unnecessary

    Farewell Capsule Tower, Tokyo’s Oddest Building

    Improper Means Exception and Tortious Interference Claims

    Supreme Court of Wisconsin Applies Pro Rata Allocation Based on Policy Limits to Co-Insurance Dispute

    Depreciating Labor Costs May be Factor in Actual Cash Value

    Creating a Custom Home Feature in the Great Outdoors

    More (and Simpler) Options Under New Oregon Retention Law

    What is the Implied Warranty of Habitability?

    South Carolina Supreme Court Asked Whether Attorney-Client Privilege Waived When Insurer Denies Bad Faith

    To Sea or Not to Sea: Fifth Circuit Applies Maritime Law to Offshore Service Contract, Spares Indemnity Provision from Louisiana Oilfield Indemnity Act
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    The Fairfield, Connecticut Building Expert Group is comprised from a number of credentialed construction professionals possessing extensive trial support experience relevant to construction defect and claims matters. Leveraging from more than 25 years experience, BHA provides construction related trial support and expert services to the nation's most recognized construction litigation practitioners, Fortune 500 builders, commercial general liability carriers, owners, construction practice groups, and a variety of state and local government agencies.

    Building Expert News & Info
    Fairfield, Connecticut

    Green Construction Claims: More of the Same

    May 10, 2021 —
    For this week’s Guest Post Friday, Musings welcomes back Timothy R. Hughes, Esq., LEED AP. Tim (@timrhughes on Twitter) is a Shareholder in the Arlington, Virginia firm of Bean, Kinney & Korman, P.C. In his practice as a business, corporate, and construction law attorney, Tim was the Chair of the Construction Law and Public Contracts Section of the Virginia State Bar. He was recognized by Virginia Lawyer’s Weekly as a 2010 “Leader in the Law” and a member of the Legal Elite for Construction Law for 2010 by Virginia Business Magazine. A regular speaker and writer, Tim is the lead editor of his firm blog, Virginia Real Estate, Land Use and Construction Law. Green construction liability risk has received a lot of discussion over time. My take is that sustainable design and construction projects present the same type of risk profile as other construction projects, with the caveat that there may be “a little more”. A little more risk. A little more lack of predictability. A little more process overlay. Thus, green construction claims really are just “more of the same”. I have watched and participated in the discussion. With regards to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation building, the reality is that any project can face challenges of product specification and performance, green or not. We can see plenty of examples where products have created tremendous risk and liability to the construction industry, the avalanche of EIFS litigation and Chinese drywall standing as just two of the most recent examples. A product failed, but that is nothing truly new. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill
    Mr. Hill may be contacted at

    Absence of Property Damage During Policy Period Equates to No Coverage

    April 01, 2015 —
    The Montana Supreme Court determined there was no coverage for the insured due to a lack of property damage during the policy period. Truck Ins. Exchange v. O'Mailia, 2015 Mont. LEXIS 54 (Mont. Feb. 17, 2015). The insured plumbing company, Lolo Plumbing & Heating, installed a water heater at Famous Dave's restaurant. At the time of installation, the insured had a CGL policy with Truck. The policy provided coverage from July 10, 2006 to November 29, 2009. On March 12, 2010, three years after the water heater was installed, a burning smaell was detected in the restaurant's mechanical room. The fire department turned off the water heater and asked that a plumber look at it. Diamond Plumbing & Heating was called and replaced the combustion air fan assembly, but did not further examine the water heater. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Tred R. Eyerly, Insurance Law Hawaii
    Mr. Eyerly may be contacted at

    Climate Disasters Are an Affordable Housing Problem

    October 01, 2024 —
    When Maui was devastated by wildfires in August 2023, some residents were initially fortunate. The neighborhood of Makawao, for example, was spared the worst effects of the fire that engulfed Lahaina, 35 miles to the west. Recently, though, we met a woman in that neighborhood who faces a different kind of threat: Her landlord has now demanded that she pay double her rent or face eviction. As housing advocates in the region, we’ve heard stories like this repeatedly, as residents report an acute fear of displacement and homelessness. A year after the fires killed more than 100 people, displaced 12,000 and disrupted the economy of the island, the disaster lingers for many in Maui and Hawai'i. Rents across the island have increased sharply, offering a cautionary tale for the rest of the US about how climate change, a housing crisis and the lack of adequate public policies can multiply the suffering of a community already in pain. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Bloomberg

    Unpaid Subcontractor Walks Off the Job and Wins

    September 01, 2016 —
    Make the following inquiry of your constructional lawyer, watch him/her sit up in his/her chair and give your question immediate attention: “I haven’t been paid, can I walk off the job?” The answer to this question is a strong “maybe, but it’s risky.” Walking off the project has a significant downside. The risk is that the judge who reviews your decision, sometimes years after the event, may not agree that the non-payment was a material breach and, thus, suspension of performance (walking off) is not justified. A breach of contract occurs where, without legal justification, a party fails to perform any promise that forms a whole or part of the contract. Not all breaches are equal. Some failures to perform a promise are “nominal,” “trifling” or “technical.” These breaches do not excuse performance under the contract by the non-breaching party. If the breach is “material,” that is, goes to the essential purpose of the agreement, is a question that only a judge decides, and only after the decision was made as to whether to walk off the job or not. Therefore, before deciding whether to walk off the job, you have to second guess what a judge may decide under the circumstances. Since not all judges see things the same way, the decision is fraught with uncertainty and risk. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of John P. Ahlers, Ahlers & Cressman PLLC
    Mr. Ahlers may be contacted at

    A Court-Side Seat: Clean Air, Clean Water, Citizen Suits and the Summer of 2022

    November 01, 2022 —
    This is a selection of significant environmental and regulatory law cases decided by the federal courts after the Supreme Court’s 2021 Term concluded. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit National Association of Broadcasters v. Federal Communications Commission On July 12, 2022, the DC Circuit held that an order of the FCC requiring radio broadcasters to follow a prescribed five-step process to verify the identity of program sponsors was not authorized by the Communications Act. According to the court, the FCC “decreed a duty that the statute does not require, and that the statute does not empower the FCC to impose.” Here, the agency failed to identify the statutory authority it needed to authorize the issuance of such an order. While certainly not as significant as the Supreme Court’s ruling in West Virginia v. EPA, decided only a few days before this decision was released, it is a strong reminder that the courts want to know if a challenged rule is authorized by law. Humane Society of the U.S., et al., v. U.S. Department of Agriculture On July 22, 2022, the court decided a case involving the steps the Administrative Procedure Act and the Federal Register Act require to be taken before a final agency rule is legally promulgated. Customarily, when there has been a change in Presidential administrations, the incoming administration “quietly” withdraws rules awaiting Federal Register publication without much ceremony. The majority of this panel agreed that public notice should have been provided to the regulated community to comment on the new administration’s action to pull back a new rule which had been made available for public inspection before Federal Register publication that would have strengthened the protections afforded “show horses,” as now required by law. The court noted that “it seems clear that filing with the Federal Register constituted promulgation of a regulation even though publication may not occur until a later date.” Circuit Judge Rao filed a strong dissent. “By cutting off agency discretion at public inspection, the majority imposes judicial burden on agency procedures that conflicts with circuit precedent, the statutory framework and a longstanding regulation permitting withdrawals prior to publication.” There could be a further review of this unique ruling. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Anthony B. Cavender, Pillsbury
    Mr. Cavender may be contacted at

    Why 8 Out of 9 Californians Don't Buy Earthquake Insurance

    August 27, 2014 —
    Early estimates suggest the economic losses from Sunday’s 6.0-magnitude earthquake in Northern California, the largest quake to hit the Golden State in 25 years, could hit $1 billion. When it comes to rebuilding, much of the cost will come out of people’s own pockets. The percentage of homeowners with earthquake insurance in California and across the U.S. has declined, despite rising estimates of the risk of an earthquake. A survey by the Insurance Information Institute, a nonprofit that’s funded by the insurance industry, found that 7 percent of U.S. homeowners have earthquake insurance, down from 13 percent just two years ago. In the West, ground zero for U.S. quakes, 10 percent of homeowners have coverage, down from 22 percent a year ago; in California, about 12 percent do, according to the California Earthquake Authority. But as fewer people opt for earthquake insurance, the government is upping its assessment of the risk of a sizable shake. Last month, the U.S. Geological Survey updated its seismic hazard maps for the first time since 2008. The update showed an increased earthquake risk for almost half the country. Parts of Washington, Oregon, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, among others, moved into the top two hazard zones. The San Francisco Bay area, for example, shows a 63 percent chance of one or more major earthquakes before 2036, according to the agency. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Alyssa Abkowitz, Bloomberg

    Economist Predicts Housing Starts to Rise in 2014

    February 12, 2014 —
    David Crowe, chief economist of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), predicts “that single-family home starts in the U.S. could rise more than 30 percent in 2014,” according to Dallas News. “My single-family forecast for 2014 is pretty aggressive — it’s 822,000 starts,” Crowe said to Dallas News. “Which is roughly 200,000 starts more than what we will likely end up with in 2013.” Dallas News also reported specifically on the Texas market. The NAHB forecasts that “by next year, Texas’ housing production will be back to ‘normal’ levels.” However, that is still below “the pre-recession peak” numbers. Read the court decision
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    Heads I Win, Tails You Lose. Court Finds Indemnity Provision Went Too Far

    May 25, 2020 —
    We all love David and Goliath stories. The underdog winning against the far stronger (and dastardly) opponent. Think Rocky Balboa versus Ivan Drago, the Star Wars Rebellion versus the Galatic Empire, Indiana Jones versus a good chunk of the Third Reich. And now, we have Margaret Williams. The Story of Margaret Williams and her LLC The story, told in Long Beach Unified School District v. Margaret Williams, LLC, Case No. B290069 (December 9, 2019), is about Margaret Williams. Ms. Williams (we’ll just call her “Margaret” going forward because it just sounds better when telling a story) worked for nearly ten years full-time for the Long Beach Unified School District, toiling day in and day out doing construction management and environmental compliance work, including work involving the clean up of material at a school construction site contaminated with arsenic. Although she worked full-time for the District for nearly ten years, she wasn’t an employee. Rather, she was a contractor. And, on top of it all, as a condition of working for the District, the District required that she form a company in order to contract with the District. According to Margaret, “In order to work with the District, I was directed . . . to form a corporation or partnership. This was the only way I could work for the District: I could not enter into a contract with the District as an individual.” So, in 2006, she formed a company, simply called Margaret Williams, LLC. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Garret Murai, Nomos LLP
    Mr. Murai may be contacted at