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    License required for electrical and plumbing trades. No state license for general contracting, however, must register with the State.

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    Local # 0780
    433 Meadow St
    Fairfield, CT 06824

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    Builders Association of Eastern Connecticut
    Local # 0740
    20 Hartford Rd Suite 18
    Salem, CT 06420

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    Home Builders Association of New Haven Co
    Local # 0720
    2189 Silas Deane Highway
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of Hartford Cty Inc
    Local # 0755
    2189 Silas Deane Hwy
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of NW Connecticut
    Local # 0710
    110 Brook St
    Torrington, CT 06790

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    Home Builders Association of Connecticut (State)
    Local # 0700
    3 Regency Dr Ste 204
    Bloomfield, CT 06002

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    Building Expert News and Information
    For Fairfield Connecticut

    140 Days Until The California Consumer Privacy Act Becomes Law - Why Aren't More Businesses Complying?

    Summary Judgment for Insurer Reversed Based on Expert Opinion

    Amazon HQ2 Puts Concrete on an Embodied Carbon Diet

    Five Reasons to Hire Older Workers—and How to Keep Them

    Responding to Ransomware Learning from Colonial Pipeline

    The Registered Agent Advantage

    Negligent Failure to Respond to Settlement Offer Is Not Bad Faith

    In Phoenix, Crews Thread Needle With $730M Broadway Curve Revamp

    Why Construction Firms Should Think Differently on the Issue of Sustainability

    Duuers: Better Proposals with Less Work

    New York Developer’s Alleged Court Judgment Woes

    Congratulations 2024 DE, MA, MD, NJ, NY, and PA Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

    Power Point Presentation on Nautilus v. Lexington Case

    No Coverage For Construction Defects When Complaint Alleges Contractual Damages

    Massachusetts Affordable Homes Act Provides New Opportunities for Owners, Developers, and Contractors

    New California Construction Laws for 2020

    Texas “Loser Pays” Law May Benefit Construction Insurers

    Another Municipality Takes Action to Address the Lack of Condominiums Being Built in its Jurisdiction

    Orchestrating Bias: Arbitrator’s Undisclosed Membership in Philharmonic Group with Pauly Shore’s Attorney Not Grounds to Reverse Award in Real Estate Dispute

    San Diego County Considering Updates to Green Building Code

    Part I: Key Provisions of School Facility Construction & Design Contracts

    PSA: Performing Construction Work in Virginia Requires a Contractor’s License

    When Cyber Crooks Steal Payments, Think Insurance Makes Up The Loss? Think Again.

    After Breaching its Duty to Defend, Insurer Must Indemnify

    School District Settles Construction Lawsuit

    School Blown Down by Wind Still Set to Open on Schedule

    CDJ’s #4 Topic of the Year: KB Home Greater Los Angeles, Inc. v. The Superior Court of Los Angeles County

    An Interesting Look at Mechanic’s Lien Priority and Necessary Parties

    When to Withhold Retention Payments on Private or Public Projects

    Manhattan Vacancies Rise in Epicenter Shift: Real Estate

    Court Confirms No Duty to Reimburse for Prophylactic Repairs Prior to Actual Collapse

    Zell Says Homeownership Rate to Fall as Marriages Delayed

    Apple to Open Steve Jobs-Inspired Ring-Shaped Campus in April

    Yes, Virginia, Contract Terms Do Matter: Financing Term Offers Owner an Escape Hatch

    Defense Owed to Directors and Officers Despite Insured vs. Insured Exclusion

    Lumber Drops to Nine-Month Low, Extending Retreat From Record

    Judicial Panel Denies Nationwide Consolidation of COVID-19 Business Interruption Cases

    Hunton Offers Amicus Support in First Circuit Review of “Surface Water” Under Massachusetts Law

    Asbestos Client Alert: Court’s Exclusive Gatekeeper Role May not be Ignored or Shifted to a Jury

    When is Mediation Appropriate for Your Construction Case?

    Texas Federal Court Upholds Professional Services Exclusion to Preclude Duty to Defend

    Would You Trade a Parking Spot for an Extra Bedroom?

    Not Pandemic-Proof: The Ongoing Impact of COVID-19 on the Commercial Construction Industry

    John O’Meara is Selected as America’s Top 100 Civil Defense Litigators

    Carwash Prosecutors Seek $1.6 Billion From Brazil Builders

    "On Second Thought"

    Breach Of Duty of Good Faith And Fair Dealing Packaged With Contract Disputes Act Claim

    Over 70 Lewis Brisbois Attorneys Recognized in 4th Edition of Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in America

    ASCE Statement on Passage of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2022

    First Lumber, Now Drywall as Canada-U.S. Trade Tensions Escalate
    Corporate Profile


    Leveraging from more than 7,000 construction defect and claims related expert witness designations, the Fairfield, Connecticut Building Expert Group provides a wide range of trial support and consulting services to Fairfield's most acknowledged construction practice groups, CGL carriers, builders, owners, and public agencies. Drawing from a diverse pool of construction and design professionals, BHA is able to simultaneously analyze complex claims from the perspective of design, engineering, cost, or standard of care.

    Building Expert News & Info
    Fairfield, Connecticut

    Construction Firm Sues City and Engineers over Reservoir Project

    October 28, 2011 —

    The city of Fremont, Ohio and Arcadis have been sued by Trucco Construction. Trucco had been hired by the city to build a reservoir designed by Arcadis, the News-Messenger reports. Peter Welin, attorney for Trucco, said that he found “startling evidence of the company’s negligence” when he deposed Arcadis engineers. “This project could never be built the way they bid it.”

    Their suit alleges that Arcadis and the city were aware that the site was not conducive to construction and also that Arcadis failed to be a neutral party in discussions between Trucco and the city regarding compensation.

    Sam Wamper, an attorney for Fremont, said he was going to file a motion which would include “quite an interesting story,” but declined to elaborate.

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    Discovery Requests in Bad Faith Litigation Considered by Court

    June 10, 2015 —
    The federal district court considered a variety of discovery requests by the insured in a bad faith case against State Farm. Stephens v. State Farm Fire and Cas. Co., 2015 WL 1638516 (M.D. Pa. April 13, 2015). The insured plaintiff was a quadriplegic. His complaint alleged that he notified State Farm, through its agent, that he would have to leave his residence for medical treatment and intended to rent the home while he received care for his disabling condition. The complaint further alleged that the insured was told by State Farm's agent that his insurance would remain unaffected by his departure while he sought medical care. Nevertheless, when the insured reported loss due to vandalism and water damage at his home, State Farm relied upon his departure from the residence to cancel his insurance. In discovery, the insured requested three categories of documents from State Farm. First, he requested State Farm's claims manuals, guidelines and instructions materials relating to insurance claims like those made by this insured. Second, the plaintiff requested performance reviews and performance incentive programs for all of State Farm's employees who played a role in decisions in this case from 2009 to the present. Finally, the plaintiff demanded that State Farm compile information relating to other insurance lawsuits brought against State Farm involving theft, vandalism and water damage claims, as well as all lawsuits or complaints regarding the conduct of this particular claims adjuster. When the materials were not produced, plaintiff filed a motion to compel. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Tred R. Eyerly, Insurance Law Hawaii
    Mr. Eyerly may be contacted at

    NAHB Speaks Out Against the Clean Water Act Expansion

    March 26, 2014 —
    The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) published a news release that declared that the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposal to expand the Clean Water Act “goes too far.” The EPA’s proposed expansion of the act would “increase the cost of new homes without a corresponding benefit to America’s lakes, rivers and other water bodies,” NAHB alleged. Kevin Kelly, NAHB president and a home builder and developer from Wilmington, Del., stated that the “EPA has added just about everything into its jurisdiction by expanding the definition of a ‘tributary’ – even ditches and manmade canals, or any other feature that a regulator determines to have a bed, bank and high-water mark. It’s a waste of taxpayer resources to treat a rainwater ditch with the same scrutiny as we would the Delaware Bay.” Read the court decision
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    Foreman in Fatal NYC Trench Collapse Gets Jail Sentence

    December 21, 2016 —
    Wilmer Cueva, a construction foreman for Queens, N.Y.-based excavation subcontractor Sky Materials, was sentenced on Dec. 15 to up to three years in prison for causing the death of 22-year-old worker Carlos Moncayo, and endangering other workers at a lower Manhattan retail project site. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance said the workers were in an unprotected 13-ft trench that collapsed in 2015. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Mary B. Powers, Engineering News-Record
    ENR may be contacted at

    EEOC Builds on Best Practice Guidance Regarding Harassment Within the Construction Industry

    August 12, 2024 —
    In June 2024, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued guidance tailored to the construction industry concerning harassment in the workplace or at the jobsite. The guidance is important for construction industry leaders and employers to understand how to prevent and remedy harassment in the workplace — more than a third of all EEOC discrimination charges filed between 2019 and 2023 asserted harassment. The guidance represents the EEOC’s latest effort in executing its Strategic Enforcement Plan for Fiscal Years 2024 to 2028, which, in part, focuses on combatting systemic harassment and eliminating barriers in recruitment and hiring, particularly for underrepresented groups in certain industries, including women in construction, through the EEOC’s enforcement efforts. In this article, we highlight key principles and practices from this guidance Leadership and Accountability The guidance reiterates that consistent and demonstrated leadership is critical to creating and maintaining a workplace culture where harassment is unacceptable and strictly prohibited. Worksite leaders, including project owners, crew supervisors, and union stewards, are each expected to regularly communicate that harassment is intolerable through several suggested efforts. Reprinted courtesy of Abby M. Warren, Robinson+Cole and Christohper A. Costain, Robinson+Cole Ms. Warren may be contacted at Mr. Costain may be contacted at Read the court decision
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    Know Your Obligations Under Both the Prime Contract and Subcontract

    December 02, 2015 —
    A recent case out of New Mexico highlights the importance for subcontractors to review their contract with the general and the contract between the general and the owner. In Centex/Worthgroup, LLC v. Worthgroup Architects, L.P, the architect claimed that the limitation of liability clause in the prime contract trumped the provisions of the subcontract. The court disagreed and ruled that the specific provision in the subcontract controlled. In the case, a general contractor was hired to expand and renovate a resort. The general contractor subcontracted with an architect to design a mechanically stabilized earth wall. The prime contract contained a limitation of liability clause that states:
    general contractor shall require its design professional Subcontractor(s) to obtain insurance in an amount not less than $3,000,000. Owner agrees that it will limit general contractor’s liability to Owner for any errors or omissions in the design of the Project to whatever sums Owner is able to collect from the above described professional errors and omissions insurance carrier.
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    Reprinted courtesy of Craig Martin, Lamson, Dugan and Murray, LLP
    Mr. Martin may be contacted at

    Default, Fraud, and VCPA (Oh My!)

    September 12, 2023 —
    I’ve discussed the Virginia Consumer Protection Act (VCPA) and the interaction between fraud and contract on numerous occasions here at Construction Law Musings. A recent case from the Eastern District of Virginia District Court discusses this interaction (along with that dreaded default) further. In Bhutta v. DRM Construction Corp., the homeowners, the Bhuttas, sued DRM for breach of contract, conversion, fraud, and a violation of the VCPA. These allegations were based upon DRM having taken a $40,000.00 deposit from the Bhuttas and then failing to even begin work. As you may have guessed from the title of this post, DRM did not respond to the Complaint and the Court granted default. The Court then took up the question of whether the Bhuttas had alleged enough on each count for default judgment on those counts. After going through a procedural recitation and finding that DRM was properly served and that the Court had jurisdiction, the Court got to the meat of the matter. The Court held that the Bhuttas properly plead a breach of contract for the obvious reason. The reason was that DRM never performed any work and the Bhuttas were damaged because they both paid the deposit and also had to hire another contractor to complete the work at a higher price. The Court granted default judgment for breach of contract. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill
    Mr. Eyerly may be contacted at

    When is Construction Put to Its “Intended Use”?

    July 31, 2013 —
    Defining words and phrases in the law can be a tricky proposition. In everyday life one would presume to know what the phrase “intended use” would mean, but when it comes to litigation, oftentimes the definitions become much more nuanced. On March 12, 2013, in the Bituminous Cas. Corp. v. Hartford Cas. Ins. Co. v. Canal Ins. Co., WL 950800 (D. Colo. 2013) case, Senior District Court Judge Wiley Y. Daniel denied Third-Party Defendant Canal Insurance Company’s (“Canal”) motion to dismiss Third-Party Plaintiff Hartford Casualty Insurance Company’s (“Hartford”) third-party complaint. The case arose out of a liability insurance coverage dispute related to an underlying construction defect lawsuit. In the construction defect suit, a plaintiff homeowner’s association brought a suit against a developer and a general contractor (“GC”) among others. While the underlying action was settled, a dispute remained between Bituminous Casualty Corporation, which insured the GC, and Hartford, which insured the developer. Hartford asserted third-party claims against Canal seeking a declaration of Canal’s obligations and contribution in the event Hartford owed any defense or indemnity obligations to the GC. Hartford’s claims are based on the premise that Canal owed a duty to defend and/or indemnify the GC in the underlying action. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Brady Iandiorio
    Brady Iandiorio can be contacted at