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    Fairfield, Connecticut

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    License required for electrical and plumbing trades. No state license for general contracting, however, must register with the State.

    Building Expert Contractors Building Industry
    Association Directory
    Home Builders & Remo Assn of Fairfield Co
    Local # 0780
    433 Meadow St
    Fairfield, CT 06824

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    Builders Association of Eastern Connecticut
    Local # 0740
    20 Hartford Rd Suite 18
    Salem, CT 06420

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    Home Builders Association of New Haven Co
    Local # 0720
    2189 Silas Deane Highway
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of Hartford Cty Inc
    Local # 0755
    2189 Silas Deane Hwy
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of NW Connecticut
    Local # 0710
    110 Brook St
    Torrington, CT 06790

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    Home Builders Association of Connecticut (State)
    Local # 0700
    3 Regency Dr Ste 204
    Bloomfield, CT 06002

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    Building Expert News and Information
    For Fairfield Connecticut

    Back to Basics: What is a Changes Clause?

    Yellen Has Scant Power to Relieve U.S. Housing Slowdown

    Philadelphia Proposed Best Value Procurement Bill

    Wildfire Insurance Coverage Series, Part 4: Coverage for Supply Chain Related Losses

    Guardrail Maker Defrauded U.S. of $175 Million and Created Hazard, Jury Says

    Denver Court Rules that Condo Owners Must Follow Arbitration Agreement

    Senior Housing Surplus Seen as Boomers Spur Building Boom

    French President Vows to Rebuild Fire-Collapsed Notre Dame Roof and Iconic Spire

    Owner’s Obligation Giving Notice to Cure to Contractor and Analyzing Repair Protocol

    Sellers' Alleged Misrepresentation Does Not Amount To An Occurrence

    Meet the Forum's ADR Neutrals: LESLIE KING O'NEAL

    Making the Construction Industry a Safer place for Women

    Architects and Engineers Added to Harmon Towers Lawsuit

    Construction Litigation Roundup: “It’s One, Two… Eight Strikes: You’re Out!”

    Don’t Just Document- Document Right!

    Orange County Home Builder Dead at 93

    Environmental Justice Legislation Update

    Certifying Claim Under Contract Disputes Act

    Rio Olympics Work Was a Mess and Then Something Curious Happened

    A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Substitution Hearings Under California’s Listing Law

    2016 Hawaii Legislature Enacts Five Insurance-Related Bills

    Thirteen Payne & Fears Attorneys Honored by Best Lawyers

    Wood Wizardry in Oregon: Innovation Raises the Roof for PDX Terminal

    Contractor Suffolk's Hospital Project Is on Critical List After Steward Health Care Bankruptcy

    U.K. Construction Growth Unexpectedly Accelerated in January

    School Blown Down by Wind Still Set to Open on Schedule

    Maryland Finally set to Diagnose an Allocation Method for Progressive Injuries

    Communications between Counsel and PR Firm Hired by Counsel Held Discoverable

    As Natural Gas Expands in Gulf, Residents Fear Rising Damage

    California Mediation Confidentiality May Apply to Third Party “Participants” Retained to Provide Analysis

    24/7 Wall Street Reported on Eight Housing Markets at All-Time Highs

    Texas Public Procurements: What Changed on September 1, 2017? a/k/a: When is the Use of E-Verify Required?

    Saudi Arabia Awards Contracts for Megacity Neom’s Worker Housing

    California’s Skilled and Trained Workforce Requirements: Public Works and AB 3018, What You Need to Know

    Hunton Insurance Coverage Group Ranked in National Tier 1 by US News & World Report

    Cal/OSHA-Approved Changes to ETS Will Take Effect May 6, 2022

    The “Right to Repair” Construction Defects in the Rocky Mountain and Plains Region

    Iowa Court Holds Defective Work Performed by Insured's Subcontractor Constitutes an "Occurrence"

    Existence of “Duty” in Negligence Action is Question of Law

    NY Estimating Consultant Settles $3.1M Government Project Fraud Case

    Deferred Maintenance?

    Dispute between City and Construction Company Over Unsightly Arches

    Fifth Circuit: Primary Insurer Relieved of Duty to Defend Without Release of Liability of Insured

    Environmental Justice Update: The Justice40 Initiative

    Adobe Opens New Office Tower and Pledges No Companywide Layoffs in 2023

    Hurdles with Triggering a Subcontractor Performance Bond

    Unlicensed Contractors Caught in a Sting Operation

    North Carolina Soil & Groundwater Case to be Heard by U.S. Supreme Court

    Court Denies Insurer's Motion to Dismiss Collapse Claim

    EPA Announces that January 2017 Revised RMP Rules are Now Effective
    Corporate Profile


    Leveraging from more than 7,000 construction defect and claims related expert witness designations, the Fairfield, Connecticut Building Expert Group provides a wide range of trial support and consulting services to Fairfield's most acknowledged construction practice groups, CGL carriers, builders, owners, and public agencies. Drawing from a diverse pool of construction and design professionals, BHA is able to simultaneously analyze complex claims from the perspective of design, engineering, cost, or standard of care.

    Building Expert News & Info
    Fairfield, Connecticut

    Connecting Construction Project Information: Open Technology Databases Improve Project Communication, Collaboration and Visibility

    March 14, 2018 —
    The construction industry has been plagued for decades with projects coming in over budget and behind schedule. There are many reasons this happens, but it ultimately comes down to just one thing – a lack of connected information. Today, gigabytes and even terabytes of data are generated on a project and housed in different systems that do not talk or share information, which creates a closed approach and inhibits collaboration. Data is siloed and only accessible to certain companies, departments or disciplines, which gives each project stakeholder a very limited view into the status of the project as they are making decisions. To be successful, the construction industry needs to free project data from closed systems. There must be a way to give all project stakeholders access to accurate information within the context of how it applies to the overall project that will empower everyone from owners to engineers to contractors to make timely, fully informed decisions that bring projects in on time and within budget. INTRODUCING THE OPEN TECHNOLOGY DATABASE The need for deep visibility into project information across systems and stakeholders has given rise in the construction industry to the open technology database. This approach enables project stakeholders to link the data in their existing software systems and connect that information into one centralized location. Project stakeholders can continue to use and maintain the data in their own systems while still feeding the information to the shared environment, which brings together critical project details, provides context for decisions and makes it easier for all parties to collaborate. Project stakeholders are now able to connect business data related to estimating, cost control, scheduling, contracts, purchasing, accounting and more. This creates a common data set across the project that can be quickly accessed and can easily be put in the hands of project decision makers. Innovative companies are taking this connectivity to a new level. They see the potential to use 3D models beyond simply the design aspects of a project and bring them into the activities of construction. Innovators are taking all the project information available in the shared environment and connecting it to the 3D model to create a comprehensive view of the project. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Andy Kayhanfar, Construction Executive, a Publication of Associated Builders and Contractors. All Rights Reserved

    Contract And IP Implications Of Design Professionals Monetizing Non-Fungible Tokens Comprising Digital Construction Designs

    December 26, 2022 —
    There is an emerging market that appears poised to increasingly provide opportunities to monetize architectural and other construction designs through the sale of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Last year, artist Krista Kim reportedly made the first sale of a digital home design via an NFT marketplace, for over $500,000. With some NFTs selling for millions of dollars, monetizing digital designs is undoubtedly an enticing prospect for architects, engineers, and other design professionals. It is thus critical to understand the application of intellectual property rights to NFTs and to address those rights in contracts involving design professionals. What is an NFT? To understand the market for NFTs it is necessary to first understand blockchain technology. A blockchain is a decentralized system of recording information via a digital ledger of transactions duplicated and distributed across many computers. The manner in which each block of the ledger chain is created—using a cryptographic mathematical algorithm tied into the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data—prevents it from being changed retroactively without a change to all subsequent blocks and consensus of the decentralized network. An NFT is a ‘token’ secured to a blockchain. It can represent ownership of any item that is non-fungible, i.e., any item that has unique qualities that add value and make the item non-interchangeable. NFTs can take unlimited forms, including, for example, tokens representing unique artwork, music, fashion items, in-game items, essays, collectibles, memorabilia, furniture, and real estate. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Colin C. Holley, Watt, Tieder, Hoffar, & Fitzgerald, LLP (ConsensusDocs)
    Mr. Holley may be contacted at

    Foundation Differences Across the U.S.

    October 15, 2014 —
    The National Association of Home Builders’ Eye on Housing analyzed data from the Survey of Construction (SOC) to demonstrate the differences in foundations built across the nation. For instance, “about 30 percent of new single-family homes started in 2013 have a full or partial basement, 54 percent are built on slabs, and 15 percent have a crawl space. The remaining share, including homes built on stilts or pilings, accounted for about 1 percent of homes started in 2013.” Climate is the deciding factor in what type of foundations are used, Eye on Housing reported. “In colder regions where codes require foundations to be deep the marginal cost of providing a full or partial basement is not that great. So basements are the most common type of foundation in the colder climate divisions.” The warm climate area of the West South Central division are primarily built on slabs. However, “the other two divisions that make up the South region – the East South Central and South Atlantic –are still largely built on slabs but crawl spaces are also common.” Read the court decision
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    Another Municipality Takes Action to Address the Lack of Condominiums Being Built in its Jurisdiction

    March 12, 2015 —
    Whether you are in the market to downsize or are looking to be a first time home buyer, you have likely noticed that your housing options in Colorado have become extremely limited over the course of the last several years. If you are a contractor and have worked on multi-family projects in the recent past, you know why the housing options are limited in the State of Colorado. In the past two years, there have been studies commissioned and articles published in local periodicals investigating the extreme slowdown seen in the construction of owner-occupied multi-family housing, namely condominiums and townhomes. Those of us involved in and with the construction industry are intimately familiar with the lengthy, complicated, and incredibly expensive construction defect litigation that has plagued multi-family construction in the State of Colorado and brought it to a virtual halt. And now, local municipalities and elected officials are starting to take notice. Most recently, the City of Lone Tree passed Ordinance No. 15-01, to become effective on April 1, 2015. According to the City of Lone Tree, Ordinance No. 15-01 is “aimed at encouraging the development of owner-occupied, multi-family residential projects through the adoption of regulations designed to balance the risk and exposure to builders and developers of such projects, while still protecting homeowners from legitimate construction defect claims.” Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Heather M. Anderson, Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell, LLC
    Ms. Anderson may be contacted at

    Safety Guidance for the Prevention of the Coronavirus on Construction Sites

    May 25, 2020 —
    Although construction projects are generally allowed to proceed under most COVID-19 stay at home orders, owners and contractors need to know how to proceed safely on their construction sites. Not only do workers and others on site need to be protected, but implementation of these protocols is also critical to avoid potential liabilities. Last week, the California Department of Industrial Relations – Division of Occupational Safety & Health (CAL/OSHA) released guidance regarding safety and health procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at construction sites. A link to the CAL/OSHA Safety and Health Guidance is provided here. While the guidance states that it is not imposing any new legal obligations, it is imperative for businesses to not only be aware of these safety practices, but to incorporate these practices as appropriate on each construction site to protect its employees as well as subcontractors, suppliers and others who may be present on site. Otherwise, owners and contractors face potential exposure to regulatory action, including potential penalties and other liabilities, if they fail to properly incorporate these guidelines into the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) at each construction site. Now is the time to update your current Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) to include recommended protocols for preventing the spread of the Coronavirus. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Heather Whitehead, Newmeyer Dillion
    Ms. Whitehead may be contacted at

    Waiver Of Arbitration by Not Submitting Claim to Initial Decision Maker…Really!

    August 30, 2021 —
    Arbitration is a form of dispute resolution that is a creature of contract. If you want an arbitrator to resolve your disputes, you need to ensure there is an arbitration provision in your contract. There are pros and cons to arbitration. One con is you lose the right to appeal. A couple of pros, however, are that your arbitrator(s), which you generally have some control in the selection of, will be versed in the construction industry and it can be a more efficient forum to resolve disputes in the times of COVID. Once you have your scheduling conference with the appointed arbitrator(s), you will be able to agree upon a set final hearing (trial) time and have milestone dates that work backwards from the final hearing date. This is much more efficient than being placed on an unrealistic trial docket or having to deal with the gamesmanship of motions just to be able to get your case at-issue for trial. However, the right to arbitrate your dispute can be waived. This was the issue in Leder v. Imburgia Construction Services, Inc., 2021 WL 3177338 (Fla. 3d DCA 2021), which I will be the first to tell you the ruling is quite baffling to me. In a nutshell, the contractor, by not complying with the submission of a claim to the Initial Decision Maker was found to have waived the dispute resolution provision in the AIA contract. Not sure this makes sense, but this was the ruling. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of David Adelstein, Kirwin Norris, P.A.
    Mr. Adelstein may be contacted at

    Courthouse Reporter Series: Louisiana Supreme Court Holds Architect Has No Duty to Safeguard Third Parties Against Injury, Regardless of Knowledge of Dangerous Conditions on the Project

    July 31, 2024 —
    In Bonilla v. Verges Rome Architects, 2023-00928 (La. 3/22/24); 382 So.3d 62, the Louisiana Supreme Court held because the terms of the agreement between the architect and the public owner did not give the architect responsibility for the means and methods of construction or for safety on the project, the architect did not have a duty to safeguard third parties against injury, regardless of whether the architect may have had knowledge of dangerous conditions on the project. In Bonilla, the City of New Orleans entered into a contract for the renovation of a building owned by the city. The city also entered into an agreement with Verges Rome Architects (“VRA”) to serve as the project architect. The general contractor on the project subcontracted the demolition work to Meza Services, Inc. (“Meza”). An employee of Meza was injured while attempting to demolish a “vault” on the project. The vault was a ten-foot by ten-foot cinderblock room with a nine-foot-high concrete slab ceiling located on the second floor of the building. The walls of the vault had been partially demolished when one of the employees of Meza was directed by his supervisor to stand on the ceiling of the vault with a jackhammer to continue the demolition. Shortly after beginning the task, the vault structure collapsed and caused the employee to suffer significant injury. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Stu Richeson, Phelps
    Mr. Richeson may be contacted at

    Waive Not, Want Not: Waivers and Releases on California Construction Projects

    February 18, 2015 —
    California is one of a handful of states (12 to be exact) which have statutory mandated waiver and release forms for construction projects. So here’s what you need to know before you sign one (or two, or three). What are California’s statutory waiver and release forms? California has four statutory waiver and release forms for construction projects. Which form applies depends on two things: (1) whether it is for progress payments or final payment; and (2) whether it is provided before or after you have been paid. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Garret Murai, Wendel Rosen Black & Dean LLP
    Mr. Murai may be contacted at