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    Cambridge, Massachusetts

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    Current Law Summary: Case law precedent

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    Guidelines Cambridge Massachusetts

    No state license required for general contracting. Licensure required for plumbing and electrical trades. Companies selling home repair services must be registered with the state.

    Building Expert Contractors Building Industry
    Association Directory
    Builders Association of Central Massachusetts Inc
    Local # 2280
    51 Pullman Street
    Worcester, MA 01606

    Cambridge Massachusetts Building Expert 10/ 10

    Massachusetts Home Builders Association
    Local # 2200
    700 Congress St Suite 200
    Quincy, MA 02169

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    Builders Association of Greater Boston
    Local # 2220
    700 Congress St. Suite 202
    Quincy, MA 02169

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    North East Builders Assn of MA
    Local # 2255
    170 Main St Suite 205
    Tewksbury, MA 01876

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    Home Builders and Remodelers Association of Western Mass
    Local # 2270
    240 Cadwell Dr
    Springfield, MA 01104

    Cambridge Massachusetts Building Expert 10/ 10

    Bristol-Norfolk Home Builders Association
    Local # 2211
    65 Neponset Ave Ste 3
    Foxboro, MA 02035

    Cambridge Massachusetts Building Expert 10/ 10

    Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Cape Cod
    Local # 2230
    9 New Venture Dr #7
    South Dennis, MA 02660

    Cambridge Massachusetts Building Expert 10/ 10

    Building Expert News and Information
    For Cambridge Massachusetts

    Why Is California Rebuilding in Fire Country? Because You’re Paying for It

    Coverage Denied Where Occurrence Takes Place Outside Coverage Territory

    Alabama Supreme Court Finds No Coverage for Construction Defect to Contractor's own Product

    What Are The Most Commonly Claimed Issues In Construction Defect Litigation?

    Homebuilders See Record Bearish Bets on Shaky Recovery

    Employee Exclusion Bars Coverage for Wrongful Death of Subcontractor's Employee

    Safety, Compliance and Productivity on the Jobsite

    Not Remotely Law as Usual: Don’t Settle for Delays – Settle at Remote Mediation

    California Supreme Court Clarifies Deadline to File Anti-SLAPP Motions in Light of Amended Pleadings

    Surety Bond Producers Keep Eye Out For Illegal Waivers

    San Francisco OKs Revamped Settling Millennium Tower Fix

    Wilke Fleury Attorneys Featured in 2022 Northern California Super Lawyers and Rising Stars Lists

    Industry News: New Partner at Burdman Law Group

    Construction Law Client Alert: California Is One Step Closer to Prohibiting Type I Indemnity Agreements In Private Commercial Projects

    A Court-Side Seat: NWP 12 and the Dakota Access Pipeline Easement Get Forced Vacations, while a Potential Violation of the Eighth Amendment Isn’t Going Anywhere

    Quick Note: Be Careful with Pay if Paid Clauses (Both Subcontractors and General Contractors)

    Hawaii Supreme Court Construes Designated Premises Endorsement In Insured's Favor

    SkenarioLabs Uses AI for Property Benchmarking

    Contractor Allegedly Stole Construction Materials

    No Coverage for Additional Insured for Construction Defect Claim

    Eighth Circuit Considers Judicial Estoppel in Hazardous Substance Release-Related Personal Injury Case

    Where There's Smoke...California's New Emergency Wildfire Smoke Protection Regulation And What Employers Are Required To Do

    Pandemic-Related Construction Materials Pricing Poses Challenges in Construction Lawsuits

    Details of Sealed Whistleblower Charges Over Cuomo Bridge Bolts Burst Into Public View

    How to Defend Stucco Allegations

    Fannie Overseer Moves to Rescue Housing With Lower Risk to Lenders

    The “Builder’s Remedy” Looms Over Bay Area Cities

    Wilke Fleury Attorneys Highlighted | 2019 Northern California Super Lawyers

    No Coverage for Restoring Aesthetic Uniformity

    CGL Policy Covering Attorney’s Fees in Property Damage Claims

    What to do about California’s Defect-Ridden Board of Equalization Building

    Yet Another Reminder that Tort and Contract Don’t Mix

    Candlebrook Adds Dormitories With $230 Million Purchase

    San Francisco International Airport Reaches New Heights in Sustainable Project Delivery

    Fraud and Construction Contracts- Like Oil and Water?

    Nine ACS Lawyers Recognized as Super Lawyers – Two Recognized as Rising Stars

    DOD Contractors Receive Reprieve on Implementation of Chinese Telecommunications Ban

    2013 May Be Bay Area’s Best Year for Commercial Building

    Homebuilder Immunity Act Dies in Committee. What's Next?

    Insurer Cannot Abandon Defense Agreement on Underlying Asbestos Claims Against Insured

    More Details Emerge in Fatal Charlotte, NC, Scaffold Collapse

    Senate Overwhelmingly Passes Water Infrastructure Bill

    Environmental Justice Update: The Justice40 Initiative

    Bad Faith Jury Verdict Upheld After Insurer's Failure to Settle Within Policy Limits

    Florida Adopts Less Stringent Summary Judgment Standard

    The Future Has Arrived: New Technologies in Construction

    The Golden State Commits to Going Green – Why Contractors Will be in High Demand to Build the State’s Infrastructure

    Crisis Averted! Pennsylvania Supreme Court Joins Other Courts in Finding that Covid-19 Presents No Physical Loss or Damage for Businesses

    Excess Insurer On The Hook For Cleanup Costs At Seven Industrial Sites

    Miorelli Doctrine’s Sovereign Immunity in Public Construction Contracts — Not the Be-All and End-All
    Corporate Profile


    Leveraging from more than 7,000 construction defect and claims related expert witness designations, the Cambridge, Massachusetts Building Expert Group provides a wide range of trial support and consulting services to Cambridge's most acknowledged construction practice groups, CGL carriers, builders, owners, and public agencies. Drawing from a diverse pool of construction and design professionals, BHA is able to simultaneously analyze complex claims from the perspective of design, engineering, cost, or standard of care.

    Building Expert News & Info
    Cambridge, Massachusetts

    It’s a COVID-19 Pandemic; It’s Everywhere – New Cal. Bill to Make Insurers Prove Otherwise

    August 17, 2020 —
    On June 29, in a development that may fundamentally change the landscape for California businesses which have sustained COVID-19 related business interruption loss, two California legislators amended pending legislation to address several of the most hotly contested issues regarding insurance recovery for these devastating losses. The bill, Assembly Bill 1552, focuses on All-Risk property insurance policies. As amended, it would create a “rebuttable presumption” that COVID-19 was present on and caused physical damage to property which was the direct cause of business interruption. A similar rebuttable presumption would apply to orders of civil authority coverage and to ingress/egress coverage. The bill would further prohibit COVID-19 from being construed as a pollutant or contaminant for purposes of any policy exclusion unless the exclusion specifically referred to viruses. The bill would apply to any All-Risk policy in effect on or after March 4, 2020 and is written to satisfy the standards for an “urgency” statute, taking effect immediately upon being signed into law. Reprinted courtesy of Scott P. DeVries , Hunton Andrews Kurth and Andrea DeField, Hunton Andrews Kurth Mr. DeVries may be contacted at Ms. DeField may be contacted at Read the court decision
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    Fannie-Freddie Propose Liquidity Rules for Mortgage Insurers

    July 16, 2014 —
    Ms. Benson may be contacted at; Mr. Tracer may be contacted at Private mortgage insurers looking to do business with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would have to hold minimum amounts of liquid assets under standards proposed by the companies and their regulator. To back loans packaged into securities by the U.S.-owned mortgage-finance giants, insurers would have to hold liquid assets worth at least 5.6 percent of their risk exposure, and possibly more depending on the quality of the loans they cover, according to the proposal released today by the companies and the Federal Housing Finance Agency. “Mortgage insurance counterparties must be able to fulfill their intended role of providing private capital, even in adverse market conditions,” FHFA Director Melvin L. Watt said in an e-mailed statement. Ms. Benson may be contacted at; Mr. Tracer may be contacted at Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Clea Benson and Zachary Tracer, Bloomberg

    Court finds subcontractor responsible for defending claim

    May 18, 2011 —

    In an unpublished decision, the California Fourth Appellate District Court has reversed the judgment of Judge Linda B. Quinn of the Superior Court of San Diego. In the case Inland California, Inc. v. G.A. Abell, Inland, a general contractor had subcontracted with Apache Construction and Precision Electric Company (G.A. Abell).

    Apache alleged that extra demolition and drywall work was needed due to Precision’s electrical work. Inland tendered a defense of Apache’s claims. However, Precision did not provide any defense. Inland withheld payment from Precision.

    At trial, Inland “conceded Precision earned the $98,000 in progress payments Inland withheld.” They were obligated to additionally pay Precision’s costs and attorney fees.

    The Fourth Appellate District court has overturned this and remanded the case back to the lower court. The judges determined that Precision was obligated to defend itself against the claims raised by Apache and therefore vacated the judgment against Inland.

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    Reprinted courtesy of

    Construction Is Holding Back the Economy

    February 28, 2018 —
    Changes in contracts and rules could make the sector a lot more efficient. The question of whether to prioritize jobs or economic efficiency is always difficult. Nowhere is this more of a dilemma than in the construction industry. In a world of rapid technological disruption, construction is a rock of solidity to which many blue-collar workers can cling. The industry still employs about 7 million workers in the U.S. The job doesn’t change that much from decade to decade. It’s a big broad occupation, unlike social-media marketing or other new niche jobs, so it allows working-class people to minimize the time and effort they spend building for a career. And workers get trained on the job, without years of college. What’s more, construction workers are mostly male. To the degree this is a result of sexism, that’s bad. But it also means that the construction industry employs lots of men, at a time when they haven’t been doing so well in the jobs department. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Noah Smith, Bloomberg

    Wendel Rosen’s Construction Practice Group Receives “Tier 1” Ranking by U.S. News and World Reports

    November 10, 2016 —
    Wendel Rosen’s Construction Practice Group has received a “Tier 1” ranking by U.S. News and World Reports in its 2017 Best Law Firms rankings and the firm as a whole has been named one of the “Best Law Firms.” This is the fourth consecutive year that Wendel Rosen’s Construction Practice Group has achieved a “Tier 1” ranking. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Garret Murai, Wendel Rosen Black & Dean LLP
    Mr. Murai may be contacted at

    Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules that Insurance Salesman had No Fiduciary Duty to Policyholders

    July 19, 2017 —
    On June 20, 2017, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that a life insurance salesman had no fiduciary duty to his customers where the customers retained decision-making authority regarding which policies to purchase. In Yenchi v. Ameriprise Fin., Inc., the Court returned a 4-2 verdict, overturning the lower court’s finding that it was possible that a fiduciary relationship existed between the parties. The suit arose from a series of transactions between Eugene and Ruth Yenchi and Bryan Holland, a financial advisor for IDS Life Insurance Corporation. The relationship began when Holland cold-called the Yenchis and asked to meet with them regarding their “financial stuff.” For a fee of $350, Holland met with the Yenchis on several occasions and counseled them regarding their insurance needs. On Holland’s advice, the Yenchis cashed out several existing polices and purchased a whole-life policy for Mr. Yenchi and a deferred variable annuity in Mrs. Yenchi’s name. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Austin D. Moody, Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C.
    Mr. Moody may be contacted at

    Eleventh Circuit Holds that EPA Superfund Remedial Actions are Usually Entitled to the FTCA “Discretionary Function” Exemption

    February 18, 2019 —
    An unusual Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA, known also as Superfund) remedial action has resulted in a broad ruling that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) remedial actions and their implementation by EPA contractors may be entitled to broad protection from liability insofar as the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) is involved. The case is Gadsden Industrial Park LLC v. United States of America, CMC Inc., and Harsco Corporation, an unpublished opinion released by the court on November 30, 2018. After the Gulf States Steel Corporation, the owner and operator of a former steel manufacturing facility located in Gadsden, AL, declared bankruptcy, in 2002, Gadsden Industrial Park LLC (Gadsden) purchased 434 acres of the 761 acre site, as well as assets located in what is described as the “Excluded Real Property”—recyclable materials generated in the steel making process known as “kish” and “slag,” and a track of a railroad line located in this area. However, in the 2007 or 2008, the Eleventh Circuit observes, EPA began a CERCLA remedial cleanup action on the Excluded Real Property and barred Gadsden from entering the Excluded Real Property to make use of its new assets. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Anthony B. Cavender, Pillsbury
    Mr. Cavender may be contacted at

    Bert Hummel Appointed to Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism

    May 10, 2021 —
    Atlanta Partner Bert Hummel was recently appointed to the Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism (CJCP) for the 2020-2021 term. In this role, Mr. Hummel has assisted in carrying out the charge of the CJCP, namely, to enhance professionalism among Georgia’s lawyers. Mr. Hummel’s appointment follows his participation on the Grants Committee and the Professionalism Committee of the CJCP. In addition, Mr. Hummel was selected as one of seven members of CJCP’s Benham Awards Subcommittee, which recognizes Georgia attorneys who dedicate their practice or time to serving the public and profession. “I am honored to be appointed to a body that continually strives to do so much good for both the legal profession and the community at large. For the past several months, I have appreciated the work the Commission has undertaken to promote professionalism in the practice of law through educational programming while also promoting community service programs through the CJCP’s Grants Committee that I served on as well. I look forward to continuing to serve with my colleagues at the CJCP to promote our shared goals. I also relish the opportunity to serve during a time in which professionalism is of the utmost importance as we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic made even more unique and special by the fact this is the last year Chief Justice Melton will serve as chair after announcing his retirement from the Supreme Court effective at the end of the Bar year.” Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Bert Hummel, Lewis Brisbois
    Mr. Hummel may be contacted at