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    Building Expert Builders Information
    Columbus, Ohio

    Ohio Builders Right To Repair Current Law Summary:

    Current Law Summary: According to HB 175, Chptr 1312, for a homebuilder to qualify for right to repair protection, the contractor must notify consumers (in writing) of NOR laws at the time of sale; The law stipulates written notice of defects required itemizing and describing and including documentation prepared by inspector. A contractor has 21 days to respond in writing.

    Building Expert Contractors Licensing
    Guidelines Columbus Ohio

    Licensing is done at the local level. Licenses required for plumbing, electrical, HVAC, heating, and hydronics trades.

    Building Expert Contractors Building Industry
    Association Directory
    Buckeye Valley Building Industry Association
    Local # 3654
    12 W Main St
    Newark, OH 43055

    Columbus Ohio Building Expert 10/ 10

    Building Industry Association of Central Ohio
    Local # 3627
    495 Executive Campus Drive
    Westerville, OH 43082

    Columbus Ohio Building Expert 10/ 10

    Home Builders Association of Miami County
    Local # 3682
    1200 Archer Dr
    Troy, OH 45373

    Columbus Ohio Building Expert 10/ 10

    Ohio Home Builders Association (State)
    Local # 3600
    17 S High Street Ste 700
    Columbus, OH 43215

    Columbus Ohio Building Expert 10/ 10

    Union County Chapter
    Local # 3684
    PO Box 525
    Marysville, OH 43040

    Columbus Ohio Building Expert 10/ 10

    Clark County Chapter
    Local # 3673
    PO Box 1047
    Springfield, OH 45501

    Columbus Ohio Building Expert 10/ 10

    Shelby County Builders Association
    Local # 3670
    PO Box 534
    Sidney, OH 45365

    Columbus Ohio Building Expert 10/ 10

    Building Expert News and Information
    For Columbus Ohio

    Client Alert: Disclosure of Plaintiff’s Status as Undocumented Alien to Prospective Jury Panel Grounds for Mistrial

    Corporate Transparency Act’s Impact on Real Estate: Reporting Companies, Exemptions and Beneficial Ownership Reporting (webinar)

    Contractor Disputes Report Amid Amazon Warehouse Collapse Lawsuit

    Partner Bradley T. Guldalian Secures Summary Judgment Win for National Hotel Chain

    5 Questions about New York's Comprehensive Insurance Disclosure Act

    Three Steps to a Safer Jobsite

    Bright-Line Changes: Prompt Payment Act Trends

    Thanks for My 6th Year Running as a Construction Litigation Super Lawyer

    Flood Policy Does Not Cover Debris Removal from Property

    Settlement Conference May Not Be the End in Construction Defect Case

    The Hunton Policyholder’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence: SEC’s Recent AI-Washing Claims Present D&O Risks, Potential Coverage Challenges

    Render Unto Caesar: Considerations for Returning Withheld Sums

    California Trial Court Clarifies Application of SB800 Roofing Standards and Expert’s Opinions

    At Long Last, the Colorado Legislature Gets Serious About Construction Defect Reform – In a Constructive Way

    Insurance Policy’s “No Voluntary Payment” Clauses Lose Some Bite in Colorado

    New York’s Comprehensive Insurance Disclosure Act Imposes Increased Disclosure Requirements On Defendants at the Beginning of Lawsuits

    Grenfell Fire Probe Faults Construction Industry Practices

    Seattle Council May Take a New Look at Micro-Housing

    Staffing Company Not Entitled to Make a Claim Against a Payment Bond and Attorneys’ Fees on State Public Works Payment Bonds

    US Supreme Court Orders All Mountain Valley Gas Line Work to Proceed

    Mitigating FCRA Risk Through Insurance

    Wendel Rosen’s Construction Practice Group Receives First Tier Ranking

    Fraudster Sells 24-Bedroom ‘King’s Speech’ London Mansion

    Homebuilders Leading U.S. Consumer Stocks: EcoPulse

    Loss Caused by Subcontractor's Faulty Work Covered in Georgia

    EEOC Builds on Best Practice Guidance Regarding Harassment Within the Construction Industry

    Is Arbitration Final and Binding?

    Construction Defects and Second Buyers in Pennsylvania

    Musk Backs Off Plan for Tunnel in Tony Los Angelenos' Backyard

    Saving Manhattan: Agencies, Consultants, Contractors Join Fight to Keep New York City Above Water

    Contractual Indemnification Limitation on Florida Public Projects

    Fix for Settling Millennium Tower May Start This Fall

    United States Supreme Court Backtracks on Recent Trajectory Away from Assertions of General Jurisdiction in Mallory v. Norfolk Southern

    Protect Workers From Falls: A Leading Cause of Death

    Construction Defect Notice in the Mailbox? Respond Appropriately

    ASCE Statement on Passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein

    A Duty to Design and Maintain Reasonably Safe Roadways Extends to All Persons. (WA)

    Contractor’s Charge Of Improvements To Real Property Not Required For Laborers To Have Lien Rights

    Administrative and Environmental Law Cases Decided During the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2017-2018 Term

    The Courts and Changing Views on Construction Defect Coverage

    Condo Board May Be Negligent for not Filing Construction Defect Suit in a Timely Fashion

    Proposed Bill Provides a New Federal Tax Credit for the Conversion of Office Buildings

    The Future of High-Rise is Localized and Responsive

    Ohio Supreme Court Rules That Wrongful Death Claims Are Subject to the Four-Year Statute of Repose for Medical Claims

    EPA Looks to Reduce Embodied Carbon in Materials With $160M in Grants

    Jersey City, New Jersey, to Get 95-Story Condo Tower

    More Hensel Phelps Ripples in the Statute of Limitations Pond?

    As Climate Changes, 'Underwater Mortgage' May Take on New Meaning

    Housing in U.S. Cools as Rate Rise Hits Sales: Mortgages

    ICYMI: Highlights From ABC Convention 2024
    Corporate Profile


    Leveraging from more than 7,000 construction defect and claims related expert witness designations, the Columbus, Ohio Building Expert Group provides a wide range of trial support and consulting services to Columbus' most acknowledged construction practice groups, CGL carriers, builders, owners, and public agencies. Drawing from a diverse pool of construction and design professionals, BHA is able to simultaneously analyze complex claims from the perspective of design, engineering, cost, or standard of care.

    Building Expert News & Info
    Columbus, Ohio

    Slow Down?

    December 03, 2024 —
    Absolutely not, said the Louisiana Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal to a masonry subcontractor being sued for allegedly improperly refusing to honor a subcontract bid. A general contractor preparing its overall bid for a public project in Jefferson Parish relied in the process on the defendant masonry subcontractor’s bid. After a public bid process and receiving the award of the project, the general contractor was informed by the subcontractor that it believed that the unit price form that had been supplied to the sub “contained inaccuracies.” Notwithstanding offers by the GC to endeavor to address the purported “inaccuracies” during the project, most likely by a change order, the subcontractor refused to execute its subcontract. The general contractor then awarded the masonry work to another subcontractor for $368,222 more than the original sub’s bid. The GC filed suit – for recovery of $368,222 – against the defendant subcontractor during the course of the public project. The defendant sub objected, arguing to the court that the lawsuit was “premature.” At the heart of the prematurity argument: the sub urging that the general contractor filed suit before its right to recover damages had accrued. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Daniel Lund III, Phelps
    Mr. Lund may be contacted at

    Mega-Consulate Ties U.S. to Convicted Billionaire in Nigeria

    May 30, 2022 —
    On March 31, billionaire Gilbert Chagoury stood atop the plot of land he’d dredged from the sea around Lagos, beaming in the sweltering heat alongside U.S. Consul-General to Nigeria Claire Pierangelo, as they broke ground for America’s largest consulate in the world. As a cool spring rain fell on Washington that day, Republican Congressman Jeff Fortenberry, of Nebraska, resigned from the House of Representatives after a conviction announced a week earlier. His crime: lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about illegal campaign contributions he’d received from Chagoury. The pageantry in Lagos obscured the uncomfortable fact that by placing its $537 million consulate on Chagoury’s Eko Atlantic development, the U.S. government was becoming the anchor tenant for a project run by a man who was once convicted of laundering money for a Nigerian dictator and who’s admitted to making illegal campaign contributions in the U.S. Ethics groups and Nigeria experts aren’t pleased with the choice. Reprinted courtesy of Neil Munshi, Bloomberg and William Clowes, Bloomberg Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of

    Affordable Global Housing Will Cost $11 Trillion

    October 01, 2014 —
    Replacing the world’s substandard housing and building affordable alternatives to meet future global demand would cost as much as $11 trillion, according to initial findings in a McKinsey & Co. report. The shortage of decent accommodation means as many as 1.6 billion people from London to Shanghai may be forced to choose between shelter or necessities such as health care, food and education, data disclosed at the 2014 CityLab Conference in Los Angeles show. McKinsey will release the full report in October. The global consulting company says governments should release parcels of land at below-market prices, put housing developments near transportation and unlock idle property hoarded by speculators and investors. The report noted that China fines owners 20 percent of the land price if property is undeveloped after a year and has the right to subsequently confiscate it. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Flavia Krause-Jackson, Bloomberg
    Ms. Krause-Jackson may be contacted at

    Recent Opinions Clarify Enforceability of Pay-if-Paid Provisions in Construction Contracts

    May 29, 2023 —
    Several recent opinions and legislative actions have brought the controversial nature of pay-if-paid provisions into focus in early 2023. Pay-if-paid provisions are contractual mechanisms designed to shift the risk of non-payment from General Contractors to lower-tier subcontractors. In other words, pay-if-paid provisions generally do not require payment to downstream subs until after the GC or Prime are themselves paid in-full by the owner. Recent developments reflect the differing approaches taken by courts when addressing pay-if-paid provisions, ranging broadly from prohibition to full enforceability. Other jurisdictions fall somewhere in the middle, viewing such provisions with varying amounts of skepticism on the grounds heir impact on smaller downstream subs is disproportionate and unfair. Pay-if-paid provisions are often contrasted against “pay-when-paid” provisions. Pay-when-paid provisions may require payment within a specified duration but remove the upstream contractor’s payment in-full as a condition precedent. The brief discussion below will not explore pay-when-paid, no damage for delay provisions, or statutory prompt payment acts. Instead, this article serves as a primer on recent legal developments related to pay-if-paid provisions exclusively. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Patrick McKnight, Fox Rothschild LLP
    Mr. McKnight may be contacted at

    Perrin Construction Defect Claims & Trial Conference

    June 11, 2018 —
    Richard Glucksman, Esquire, Partner of the Los Angeles firm Chapman Glucksman Dean Roeb & Barger, will be moderating the panel, “Green Building/LEED: An Overview and Claims Discussion” at the Perrin Construction Defect Claims & Trial Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. The panel will be discussing the following topics:
    • Risk and claims case studies including solar and SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels)
    • Green Building/LEED and The Law: Review of National Claims/Lawsuits
    • AIA Documents for Sustainable Projects
    Thursday, June 21st, 2018 Four Seasons Hotel 3960 S Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89119 Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of

    Can a Non-Signatory Invoke an Arbitration Provision?

    February 02, 2017 —
    As you know from prior postings, arbitration is a creature of contract. Hence, if you want your disputes to be resolved through arbitration, as opposed to litigation, make sure to include an arbitration provision in your agreement that covers all disputes arising out of or relating to the agreement. Under certain circumstances, a non-signatory to an agreement wants to invoke an arbitration clause in the agreement. The non-signatory will move to compel a signatory to the agreement (with an arbitration provision) to arbitrate a dispute with the non-signatory. Can a non-signatory do this? Yes, under certain circumstances. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of David Adelstein, Florida Construction Legal Updates
    Mr. Adelstein may be contacted at

    Future Environmental Rulemaking Proceedings Listed in the Spring 2019 Unified Federal Agenda

    July 15, 2019 —
    The latest federal regulatory agenda has been released, which, among other matters, lists proposed and projected environmental regulatory proceedings being considered by different departments and agencies. Here are some selected items. EPA 1. The Water Office
    • EPA plans to issue in December 2019 a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to consider making a regulatory determination as a prelude to listing as drinking water contaminants PFOA and PFOS pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water Act.
    • EPA (along with the Corps of Engineers) plans to issue an NPRM in December 2019 that will propose to revise and update its 2008 mitigation banks and in-lieu fee programs, with a final rule scheduled for September 2020.
    • An NPRM to revise the 2015 effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category will be released in June 2019.
    • Read the court decision
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      Reprinted courtesy of Anthony B. Cavender, Pillsbury
      Mr. Cavender may be contacted at

      California Court of Appeal Holds That the Right to Repair Act Prohibits Class Actions Against Manufacturers of Products Completely Manufactured Offsite

      February 06, 2019 —
      In Kohler Co. v. Superior Court, 29 Cal. App. 5th 55 (2018), the Second District of the Court of Appeal of California considered whether the lower court properly allowed homeowners to bring class action claims under the Right to Repair Act (the Act) against a manufacturer of a plumbing fixture for alleged defects in the product. After an extensive analysis of the language of the Act, the court found that class action claims under the Act are not allowed if the product was completely manufactured offsite. Since the subject fixture was completely manufactured offsite, the Court of Appeal reversed the lower court’s decision. The court’s holding establishes that rights and remedies set forth in the Right to Repair Act are not available for class action claims alleging defects in products completely manufactured offsite. In Kohler Co., homeowners instituted a class action against Kohler, the manufacturer of water pressure and temperature regulating valves that were installed into their homes during original construction. The class action was filed on behalf of all owners of residential dwellings in California in which these Kohler valves were installed as part of original construction. The complaint asserted, among other claims, a cause of action under the Act. Kohler filed a motion for anti-class certification on the ground that causes of actions under the Act cannot be certified as a class action. The trial court denied the motion with respect to the Act but certified its ruling for appellate review. Kohler filed a petition with the Court of Appeals, arguing that certain sections of the Act explicitly exclude class action claims under the Act. Read the court decision
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      Reprinted courtesy of Gus Sara, White and Williams LLP
      Mr. Sara may be contacted at