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    Fairfield, Connecticut

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    Current Law Summary: Case law precedent

    Building Expert Contractors Licensing
    Guidelines Fairfield Connecticut

    License required for electrical and plumbing trades. No state license for general contracting, however, must register with the State.

    Building Expert Contractors Building Industry
    Association Directory
    Home Builders & Remo Assn of Fairfield Co
    Local # 0780
    433 Meadow St
    Fairfield, CT 06824

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    Builders Association of Eastern Connecticut
    Local # 0740
    20 Hartford Rd Suite 18
    Salem, CT 06420

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    Home Builders Association of New Haven Co
    Local # 0720
    2189 Silas Deane Highway
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of Hartford Cty Inc
    Local # 0755
    2189 Silas Deane Hwy
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of NW Connecticut
    Local # 0710
    110 Brook St
    Torrington, CT 06790

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    Home Builders Association of Connecticut (State)
    Local # 0700
    3 Regency Dr Ste 204
    Bloomfield, CT 06002

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    Building Expert News and Information
    For Fairfield Connecticut

    Construction Defects Are Occurrences, Says South Carolina High Court

    The General Assembly Adds Some Clarity to Contracts and Unlicensed Contractors

    How the Science of Infection Can Make Cities Stronger

    Handshake Deals Gone Wrong

    Prospective Additional Insureds May Be Obligated to Arbitrate Coverage Disputes

    High Attendance Predicted for West Coast Casualty Seminar

    Quick Note: Attorney’s Fees and the Significant Issues Test

    Drones, Googleplexes and Hyperloops

    French Government Fines National Architects' Group $1.6M Over Fee-Fixing

    Not so Fast! How Does Revoking Acceleration of a Note Impact the Statute of Limitations?

    Contractor Disputes Report Amid Amazon Warehouse Collapse Lawsuit

    New Jersey Construction Worker Sentenced for Home Repair Fraud

    Tennessee High Court Excludes Labor Costs from Insurer’s Actual Cash Value Depreciation Calculations

    ‘The Ground Just Gave Out’: How a Storm’s Fury Ravaged Asheville

    Arizona Supreme Court Clarifies Area Variance Standard; Property Owners May Obtain an Area Variance When Special Circumstances Existed at Purchase

    Hennigh Law Corporation Wins Award Against Viracon, Inc In Defective Gray PIB Case

    US-Mexico Border Wall Bids Include Tourist Attraction, Solar Panels

    Preparing for the 2015 Colorado Legislative Session

    Indiana Appellate Court Allows Third-Party Spoliation Claim to Proceed

    Aurora Joins other Colorado Cities by Adding a Construction Defect Ordinance

    Navigating Casualty Challenges and Opportunities

    New Florida Bill Shortens Time for Construction-Defect Lawsuits

    A Look at Trending Legislative Changes Impacting Workers' Comp

    Fracking Fears Grow as Oklahoma Hit by More Earthquakes Than California

    Contractor Side Deals Can Waive Rights

    Slow Down?

    Contractors and Force Majeure: Contractual Protection from Hurricanes and Severe Weather

    How AI and Machine Learning Are Helping Construction Reduce Risk and Improve Margins

    Premises Liability: Everything You Need to Know

    Robinson+Cole’s Amicus Brief Adopted and Cited by Massachusetts’s High Court

    US Moves to Come Clean on PFAS in Drinking Water

    Milwaukee's 25-Story Ascent Stacks Up as Tall Timber Role Model

    London Is Falling Down and It's Because of Climate Change

    The Five-Step Protocol to Reopening a Business

    Condo Buyers Seek to Void Sale over Construction Defect Lawsuit

    Toll Brothers Faces Construction Defect Lawsuit in New Jersey

    Europe’s Satellites Could Help Catch the Next Climate Disaster

    Florida Representative Wants to Change Statute of Repose

    Civility Is Key in Construction Defect Mediation

    Contract Construction Smarts: Helpful Provisions for Dispute Resolution

    Construction Defect Reform Dies in Nevada Senate

    Jury Could Have Found That Scissor Lift Manufacturer Should Have Included “Better” Safety Features

    No Coverage Under Installation Policy When Read Together with Insurance Application

    Orlando Commercial Construction Permits Double in Value

    Insureds' Experts Insufficient to Survive Insurer's Motion for Summary Judgment

    Where There's Smoke...California's New Emergency Wildfire Smoke Protection Regulation And What Employers Are Required To Do

    TxDOT: Flatiron/Dragados Faces Default Over Bridge Design Issues

    Obama Asks for $302 Billion to Fix Bridges and Potholes

    Another Reminder that Your Construction Contract Language Matters

    COVID-19 Information and Resources
    Corporate Profile


    The Fairfield, Connecticut Building Expert Group at BHA, leverages from the experience gained through more than 7,000 construction related expert witness designations encompassing a wide spectrum of construction related disputes. Leveraging from this considerable body of experience, BHA provides construction related trial support and expert services to Fairfield's most recognized construction litigation practitioners, commercial general liability carriers, owners, construction practice groups, as well as a variety of state and local government agencies.

    Building Expert News & Info
    Fairfield, Connecticut

    Disaster Remediation Contracts: Understanding the Law to Avoid a Second Disaster

    August 30, 2017 —
    In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, consumers and contractors should be aware of protections prescribed by the Texas Legislature for Disaster Remediation Contracts. Chapter 58 of the Texas Business and Commerce Code includes several important consumer protections. Consumers should be aware of these protections, and contractors should take care to avoid inadvertent violations. This statute applies to a contractor engaged in “disaster remediation,” in a county subject to a disaster declaration. Those contracts are subject to certain notice provisions and limitations. A violation of Chapter 58 is considered a Deceptive Trade Practice and could subject a violator to both public and private remedies. The full text of Chapter 58 is found here: Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Todd Colvard, Peckar & Abramson, P.C.
    Mr. Colvard may be contacted at

    BHA Has a Nice Swing: Firm Supports NCHV and Final Salute at 2017 WCC Seminar

    May 03, 2017 —
    Bert L. Howe & Associates (BHA) is excited to announce the return of their very popular Sink a Putt for Charity at the 2017 West Coast Casualty Construction Defect Seminar. This year, participant’s efforts on the green will help benefit both the National Coalition for Homeless Vets and Final Salute. As in years past, sink a putt in the BHA golf challenge and win a $25 Amazon gift card, and for every successful putt made, BHA will make a $25 cash donation in the golfer’s name to be distributed equally between these two worthy organizations. While at the booth, don’t forget to test out BHA’s industry leading data collection and inspection analysis systems. BHA has recently added video overviews to their data collection process, as well as next-day viewing of inspection data via their secured BHA Client Access Portal. Discover meaningful cost improvements that translate to reduced billing while providing superior accuracy and credibility. Also learn about BHA’s expanding market presence and full range of services in Texas, Florida, and across the Southeast United States. Attendees can also enter to win Dodger baseball tickets or a new iPad Pro! Other BHA giveaways include USB charging blocks, pocket tape measures, multi-tools, LED flashlights, and foam stress balls. For more information on the National Coalition for Homeless Vets, please visit: To learn more about how Final Salute provides homeless women Veterans with safe and suitable housing, please visit: Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of

    Real Estate & Construction News Round-Up (09/21/22) – 3D Printing, Sustainable Design, and the Housing Market Correction

    October 17, 2022 —
    The first 3D-printed home is under construction, construction contractors could face liability for not securing employee data, the housing market correction continues, and more.
    • Sustainable home design has become key focus of builders and homeowners, helping reduce carbon emissions and other environmental impacts. (Kristi Waterworth, U.S.News)
    • Construction contractors could face legal consequences for failing to manage employee data correctly. (Robyn Griggs Lawrence, Construction Dive)
    • The home price correction continues to spread across the U.S., with an interactive map showcasing local housing markets that have been impacted. (Lance Lambert, Fortune)
    Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Pillsbury's Construction & Real Estate Law Team

    N.J. Governor Signs Bill Expanding P3s

    September 04, 2018 —
    Government entities in New Jersey that enter into public-private partnerships to help finance public construction projects are now required to utilize a project labor agreement (PLA) and pay state prevailing wages, among other requirements. Previously, P3s were only available to state and county colleges, but did not contain prevailing wage or PLA mandates. The new law, Senate Bill 865, allows the state and its subdivisions, including counties, municipalities and school districts, to enter into agreements with private funding sources provided they follow the additional mandates such as abiding by the state’s prevailing wage law and utilizing a union-only PLA for construction of the project. Reprinted courtesy of Nick Steingart, Construction Executive, a publication of Associated Builders and Contractors. All rights reserved. Read the court decision
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    Mr. Steingart may be contacted at

    To Bee or Not to Bee - CA Court Finds Denial of Coverage Based on Exclusion was Premature Where Facts had not been Judicially Determined

    November 28, 2018 —
    While I typically discuss cases concerning pollution, today I will change a few letters around and discuss pollination. The case, Unigard Insurance Co. et al. v. George Perry and Sons Inc. et al., asks whether there is coverage for a lawsuit brought against a commercial farm that is alleged to have killed off bee colonies used for pollination. The farm, owned by George Perry & Sons Inc. (“Perry”), allegedly used a pesticide that killed off the bee colonies that Perry had hired from Gary Mattes (“Mattes”) pursuant to an oral agreement. The bees, operating well outside of their weight class, were hired to pollinate Perry’s crops of watermelons and pumpkins. Interestingly, the bees would be brought to the farm in either large hives or “nukes,” which are smaller versions of hives. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Philip B. Wilusz, Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C.
    Mr. Wilusz may be contacted at

    If Passed, New Bill AB 2320 Will Mandate Cyber Insurance For State Government Contractors

    September 07, 2020 —
    Earlier this year, Assemblyman Edwin Chau (D-Monterey Park) introduced Assembly Bill 2320. AB 2320, if passed, would require any business that contracts with the state and has access to records containing personal information protected under the state’s Information Practices Act (IPA) to maintain cyber insurance coverage. Information covered under the IPA includes names, social security numbers, physical descriptions, home addresses, home telephone numbers, education, financial matters, and medical or employment history. Requiring contractors to maintain cyber insurance will likely both shift the costs of cyberattacks from taxpayers to the private sector, while also encouraging robust cyber security practices among businesses of all sizes. While the bill has not yet passed, businesses will be best served by implementing and improving cybersecurity practices now in order to attain lowest premium rates in the future. Incentivizing Best Practices With the adoption of AB 2320, businesses will be incentivized to increase their security posture in order to receive lower premiums from insurers. Simultaneously, insurers will be incentivized to mandate best practices from their insureds in order to mitigate their risk of having to pay out on cyber insurance policies. Thus, cyber insurance will work as a vehicle to increase best practices in businesses and subsequently decrease vulnerabilities to cyberattacks. Reprinted courtesy of Makenna Miller, Newmeyer Dillion and Jeffrey Dennis, Newmeyer Dillion Ms. Miller may be contacted at Mr. Dennis may be contacted at Read the court decision
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    New York Construction Practice Team Obtains Summary Judgment, Dismissal of Labor Law §240(1) Claim Against Municipal Entities

    August 19, 2024 —
    New York, N.Y. (August 8, 2024) – In Josan v. City of New York, et al., New York Associate Jonathan A. Bartlett, a member of New York Partner Meghan A. Cavalieri’s Construction Practice Team, recently obtained summary judgment and dismissal of the plaintiffs’ Labor Law §240(1) claim against the City of New York, the New York City School Construction Authority, and the New York City Department of Education. The plaintiff alleged to have sustained injuries as the result of a construction site accident occurring on January 9, 2020, while in the scope of his employment as a forklift operator in connection with the construction/renovation of a school building in Brooklyn, New York. Specifically, the plaintiff alleged that he was injured when a forklift he was operating in order to lift scaffold frame materials tipped over, causing him disabling injuries. The plaintiffs’ counsel articulated an eight-figure initial settlement demand. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Lewis Brisbois

    Quick Note: Submitting Civil Remedy Notice

    May 10, 2017 —
    There are steps an insured or claimant need to take in order to assert a statutory bad faith claim. The first step is the obligatory Civil Remedy Notice. This obligation is set forth in Florida Statute s. 624.155. The Civil Remedy Notice is, in essence, written notice of the specific violation(s) that are being claimed against the insurer that give rise to potential bad faith and an opportunity for the insurer to cure the violation(s). Florida Statute s. 624.155 would not be confused as a model of clarity, so it is important that a insured or claimant work with an attorney regarding any bad faith claim including filling out the Civil Remedy Notice. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of David Adelstein, Florida Construction Legal Updates
    Mr. Adelstein may be contacted at