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    Fairfield, Connecticut

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    Current Law Summary: Case law precedent

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    Guidelines Fairfield Connecticut

    License required for electrical and plumbing trades. No state license for general contracting, however, must register with the State.

    Building Expert Contractors Building Industry
    Association Directory
    Home Builders & Remo Assn of Fairfield Co
    Local # 0780
    433 Meadow St
    Fairfield, CT 06824

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    Builders Association of Eastern Connecticut
    Local # 0740
    20 Hartford Rd Suite 18
    Salem, CT 06420

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    Home Builders Association of New Haven Co
    Local # 0720
    2189 Silas Deane Highway
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of Hartford Cty Inc
    Local # 0755
    2189 Silas Deane Hwy
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of NW Connecticut
    Local # 0710
    110 Brook St
    Torrington, CT 06790

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    Home Builders Association of Connecticut (State)
    Local # 0700
    3 Regency Dr Ste 204
    Bloomfield, CT 06002

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    Building Expert News and Information
    For Fairfield Connecticut

    New York Court Discusses Evidentiary Standards for Policy Rescission Based on Material Misrepresentation

    BWB&O Expands to North San Diego

    World’s Biggest Crane Gets to Work at British Nuclear Plant

    Does a Broker Forfeit His or Her Commission for Technical Non-Compliance with Department of Real Estate Statutory Requirements?

    Consumer Protection Act Whacks Seattle Roofing Contractor

    Court Provides Guidance on ‘Pay-When-Paid’ Provisions in Construction Subcontracts

    Managing Partner Jeff Dennis Recognized as One of the Most Influential Business People & Opinion Shapers in Orange County

    As Fracture Questions Remain, Team Raced to Save Mississippi River Bridge

    Waive Your Claim Goodbye: Louisiana Court Holds That AIA Subrogation Waiver Did Not Violate Anti-Indemnification Statute and Applied to Subcontractors

    Michigan Court of Appeals Remands Construction Defect Case

    Following My Own Advice

    4 Ways to Mitigate Construction Disputes

    Choice of Law Provisions in Construction Contracts

    The Hazards of Carrier-Specific Manuscript Language: Ohio Casualty's Off-Premises Property Damage and Contractors' E&O Endorsements

    Partner John Toohey and Senior Associate Sammy Daboussi Obtain a Complete Defense Verdict for Their Contractor Client!

    EEOC Issues Anti-Harassment Guidance To Construction-Industry Employers

    District Court Allows DBE False Claims Act Case to Proceed

    Cities' Answer to Sprawl? Go Wild.

    At Least 46 Killed in Taiwanese Apartment Building Inferno

    Construction Litigation Roundup: “Builder’s Risk Indeed”

    Another Reason to Love Construction Mediation (Read: Why Mediation Works)

    Anti-Concurrent Causation Endorsements in CGL Insurance Policies: A Word of Caution

    Another Defect Found on the Bay Bridge: Water Leakage

    New Defendant Added to Morrison Bridge Decking Lawsuit

    Texas Court Requires Insurer to Defend GC Despite Breach of Contract Exclusion

    Lien Actions Versus Lien Foreclosure Actions

    Connecticut Supreme Court to Review Several Issues in Asbestos Coverage Case

    New Iowa Law Revises Construction Defects Statute of Repose

    Scary Movie: Theatre Developer Axed By Court of Appeal In Prevailing Wage Determination Challenge

    Patagonia Will Start Paying for Homeowners' Solar Panels

    Quick Note: Independent Third-Party Spoliation Of Evidence Claim

    Tenth Circuit Finds Appraisal Can Decide Causation of Loss Under Colorado Law

    Index Demonstrates Increase in Builders’ Sentiment

    Best Practices in Construction– What are Yours?

    Venue for Suing Public Payment Bond

    Duty to Defend Bodily Injury Evolving Over Many Policy Periods Prorated in Louisiana

    Excessive Corrosion Cause of Ohio State Fair Ride Accident

    Water Damage: Construction’s Often Unnoticed Threat

    XL Group Pairs with America Contractor’s Insurance Group to Improve Quality of Construction

    David M. McLain named Law Week Colorado’s 2015 Barrister’s Best Construction Defects Lawyer for Defendants

    Reminder: A Little Pain Now Can Save a Lot of Pain Later

    Colorado Defective Construction is Not Considered "Property Damage"

    And the Cyber-Beat Goes On. Yet Another Cyber Regulatory Focus for Insurers

    California Supreme Court Finds that When it Comes to Intentional Interference Claims, Public Works Projects are Just Different, Special Even

    Were Condos a Bad Idea?

    Why You Should Consider “In House Counsel”

    There’s the 5 Second Rule, But Have You Heard of the 5 Year Rule?

    Singer Akon’s Multibillion-Dollar Futuristic City in Africa Gets Final Notice

    When Cyber Crooks Steal Payments, Think Insurance Makes Up The Loss? Think Again.

    Default Should Never Be An Option
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    The Fairfield, Connecticut Building Expert Group at BHA, leverages from the experience gained through more than 7,000 construction related expert witness designations encompassing a wide spectrum of construction related disputes. Leveraging from this considerable body of experience, BHA provides construction related trial support and expert services to Fairfield's most recognized construction litigation practitioners, commercial general liability carriers, owners, construction practice groups, as well as a variety of state and local government agencies.

    Building Expert News & Info
    Fairfield, Connecticut

    Payment Bond Surety Entitled to Award of Attorneys’ Fees Although Defended by Principal

    February 01, 2023 —
    For contractors involved in California public works projects the scenario is not uncommon: The general contractor awarded the public works project is required to obtain a payment bond for the benefit of subcontractors and suppliers and the payment bond surety issuing the payment bond requires the general contractor to defend and indemnify the surety from and against any claims against the payment bond. In Cell-Crete Corporation v. Federal Insurance Company, 82 Cal.App.5th 1090 (2022), the 4th District Court of Appeal examined whether a payment bond surety, who prevails in a claim against the payment bond, is entitled to statutory attorneys’ fees when the party actually incurring the attorneys’ fees was the general contractor, pursuant to its defense and indemnity obligations, as opposed to the surety itself. The Cell-Crete Case General contractor Granite Construction Company was awarded a public works contract issued by the City of Thermal known as the Airport Boulevard at Grapefruit Boulevard and Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Project. We’ll just call it the “Project.” Subcontractor Cell-Crete Corporation entered into a subcontract with Granite for lightweight concrete and related work. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Garret Murai, Nomos LLP
    Mr. Murai may be contacted at

    Courts Take Another Swipe at the Implied Warranty of the Plans and Specifications

    December 15, 2016 —
    Implied warranties are warranties created by law, legislation, or courts. In the construction industry, one of the most prominent implied warranties is that owners who provide plans and specifications to their contractors impliedly warrant the adequacy of their plans and specifications.[i] That implied warranty had its beginning in the 1918 US Supreme Court decision of U.S. v. Spearin[ii] and is, therefore, popularly known as the Spearin Doctrine. Under the Spearin Doctrine, if the contractor completes the work in accordance with the owner’s plans and specifications, but there is a deficiency or failure, the owner, not the contractor, is responsible. When the owner breaches its implied warranty, in most instances, the contractor is entitled to additional compensation for extra work performed, delays experienced, and other additional expense or loss occasioned by the warranty breach. A recent case demonstrates that this implied warranty is not “immunity.” The contractor must still act reasonably and diligently, particularly when the contract provisions so require. In the recent Fifth Circuit case of Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport v. INet Airport Systems,[iii] the court, despite the implied warranty that existed, did not grant the contractor summary judgment on claims involving admitted plan deficiencies, since factual issues existed regarding the contractor’s cooperation and participation in the solution to the defects. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of John P. Ahlers, Ahlers & Cressman, PLLC
    Mr. Ahlers may be contacted at

    Predicting Our Future with Andrew Weinreich

    May 03, 2017 —
    In this podcast episode, my guest is Andrew Weinreich. We talk about the future of homebuilding against the backdrop of Andrew’s new podcast Predicting Our Future. Is construction ripe for disruption? Andrew believes that homebuilding is much closer to a tipping point than ever before. In this interview, he explains why. “In the United States, modular construction significantly lags behind what we see elsewhere around the world,” Andrew reminds. “When everything you can imagine today, from the paperclip to your smartphone is made in a factory, why is it that -certainly in this country- we associate homes made in factory with the lowest of low end homes.” “The first question is: why is that? And the second question is: could that change? Could we be on the precipice of looking at the next Tesla; not for car-building, but for homebuilding.” Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Aarni Heiskanen, AEC Business
    Mr. Heiskanen may be contacted at

    Limitations: There is a Point of No Return

    September 06, 2023 —
    After nearly any event that causes inefficiency, delay, or extra cost on a project, there are some things you should always do: review the contract and document the inefficiency, delay, or cost. However, how you document the particular issue likely changes depending on what is in your contract, your position on the project, and the outcome you hope to reach. In reviewing the inefficiency, delay, or cost, one thing to always consider is how long you have to actually recoup damages you may incur if they were caused by another party on the project. In every jurisdiction (state or federal), there is likely to be some outer limit to when you can bring litigation or arbitration against an opposing party to recover damages another party causes to you. This is generally called a statute of limitations or statute of repose, although it goes by other names depending on your state. The length of time will be specific to the locality. For example, in Texas, you have four years to bring a breach of contract claim but only two years to bring a negligence claim. Whether you fall under the two year or four year period may be highly fact intensive, depending on your claims. Do you have a contract directly with the party that is at fault? Is the claim based on your contract or some tort outside of the contract? Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Amy Anderson, Jones Walker LLP (ConsensusDocs)
    Ms. Anderson may be contacted at

    Protect Workers From Falls: A Leading Cause of Death

    August 14, 2018 —
    One of the leading causes of death for construction workers is falls from elevated surfaces, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In 2016, these accidents accounted for more than 30 percent of all construction fatalities. The top four causes of worker deaths (excluding highway collisions) in the private sector construction industry are:
    1. falls: 384 (38.7%);
    2. struck by object: 93 (9.4 percent);
    3. electrocutions: 82 (8.3 percent); and
    4. caught-in/between:1 72 (7.3 percent).
    One of the most common — and costly — causes of claims occur when construction workers fall from elevated surfaces. These accidents represent more than 30 percent of all construction claim payments. Reprinted courtesy of Mark McGhiey, Construction Executive, a publication of Associated Builders and Contractors. All rights reserved. Read the court decision
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    Fourth Circuit Rejects Application of Wrap-Up Exclusion to Additional Insured

    December 11, 2018 —
    Utilizing an owner-controlled or contractor-controlled insurance program (collectively known as “wrap-ups”) can reduce claims, save costs, and give owners and general contractors comfort in knowing their project is adequately insured. However, problems often arise when a subcontractor doesn’t enroll in the wrap-up and, instead, agrees to provide additional insured coverage to the owner and general contractor on the subcontractor’s own general liability policy. One of those problems is the prevalence of wrap-up exclusions on subcontractors’ general liability policies. If the wrap-up exclusion is too broadly drafted, the exclusion can eliminate coverage for the general contractor and owner even when the subcontractor is not enrolled in the wrap-up. Reprinted courtesy of K. Alexandra Byrd, Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C. and Samantha M. Oliveira, Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C. Ms. Byrd may be contacted at Mr. Oliveira may be contacted at Read the court decision
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    Real Estate & Construction News Round-Up (05/11/22)

    May 30, 2022 —
    The supply of homes for sale is on the uptick, the White House releases a plan to improve the permitting process for infrastructure projects, cryptocurrency opens the door to a new class of property owners, and more.
    • Though the number of active listings is still down 67% from pre-pandemic levels, the supply of homes for sale is finally showing signs of improvement. (Diana Olick, CNBC)
    • Large corporations and institutional investors are flocking to buy digital real estate, with parcels being bought faster than they can be created. (Dan Patterson, CBS News)
    • London-based company, Admix, has been purchasing real estate in various Metaverse platforms and leasing them to companies interested in becoming involved in the online virtual space. (Nate Berg, Fast Company)
    Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Pillsbury's Construction & Real Estate Law Team

    San Francisco Sues Over Sinking Millennium Tower

    November 17, 2016 —
    Dennis Herrera, San Francisco’s city attorney, filed a lawsuit against the developer of the Millennium Tower, “for failing to inform buyers that it was sinking ‘much faster than expected,’” reported the New York Times. Mission Street Development sold more than 400 units in the skyscraper. “They went ahead and sold condominiums for a handsome profit without telling the buyers about the situation,” Mr. Herrera told the New York Times. “This is every homeowner’s worst nightmare.” The spokesman for the development, P.J. Johnson, stated that “the allegations by the city attorney had ‘no merit,’ and that the “building had sunk within ‘predicted, safe ranges’ during the entire sales process,” according to the New York Times. Furthermore, Johnson asserted that the problem derived from the nearby railroad station removing water from the ground, which “had caused the building to ‘settle beyond the 12 inches it was predicted to settle.’” Read the court decision
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