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    License required for electrical and plumbing trades. No state license for general contracting, however, must register with the State.

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    Home Builders & Remo Assn of Fairfield Co
    Local # 0780
    433 Meadow St
    Fairfield, CT 06824

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    Builders Association of Eastern Connecticut
    Local # 0740
    20 Hartford Rd Suite 18
    Salem, CT 06420

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    Home Builders Association of New Haven Co
    Local # 0720
    2189 Silas Deane Highway
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of Hartford Cty Inc
    Local # 0755
    2189 Silas Deane Hwy
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of NW Connecticut
    Local # 0710
    110 Brook St
    Torrington, CT 06790

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    Home Builders Association of Connecticut (State)
    Local # 0700
    3 Regency Dr Ste 204
    Bloomfield, CT 06002

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    Building Expert News and Information
    For Fairfield Connecticut

    Dot I’s and Cross T’s When It Comes to Construction Licensure Requirements

    Encinitas Office Obtains Complete Defense Verdict Including Attorney Fees and Costs After Ten Day Construction Arbitration

    Deadline for Hurricane Ian Disaster Recovery Applications Announced

    Beyond the Disneyland Resort: Museums

    Modified Plan Unveiled for Chicago's Sixth-Tallest Tower

    Bert Hummel Appointed Vice Chair of State Bar of Georgia Bench & Bar Committee

    Zero-Energy Commercial Buildings Increase as Contractors Focus on Sustainability

    Safeguarding History: Fire Risks in Renovating Historic Buildings

    New York Revises Retainage Requirements for Private Construction Contracts: Overview of the “5% Retainage Law”

    Sanctions Award Against Pro Se Plaintiff Upheld

    Claimants’ Demand for Superfluous Wording In Release Does Not Excuse Insurer’s Failure to Accept Policy Limit Offer Within Time Specified

    Be Careful With Construction Fraud Allegations

    It Has Started: Supply-Chain, Warehouse and Retail Workers of Essential Businesses Are Filing Suit

    Hawaii Appellate Court Finds Agent May Be Liable for Failing to Submit Claim

    HHMR Celebrates 20 Years of Service!

    Home Prices Expected to Increase All Over the U.S.

    Explore Legal Immigration Options for Construction Companies

    Lending Plunges to 17-Year Low as Rates Curtail Borrowing

    Meet Your Future Team Members: AI Agents

    Risk Protection: Force Majeure Agreements Take on Renewed Relevance

    Are COVID-19 Claims Covered by Builders Risk Insurance Policies?

    Firm Claims Construction Defects in Hawaiian Homes

    General Release of Contractor Upheld Despite Knowledge of Construction Defects

    Double-Wide World Cup Seats Available to 6-Foot, 221-Pound Fans

    Tenth Circuit Reverses District Court's Ruling that Contractor Entitled to a Defense

    Monitoring Building Moisture with RFID – Interview with Jarmo Tuppurainen

    Traub Lieberman Attorneys Recognized in the 2025 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America®

    The Economic Loss Rule and the Disclosure of Latent Defects: In re the Estate of Carol S. Gattis

    Ex-Engineered Products Firm Executive Convicted of Bid Rigging

    Additional Insured Coverage Confirmed

    Defense Victory in Breach of Fiduciary Action

    Infrared Photography Illuminates Construction Defects and Patent Trolling

    Real Estate & Construction News Roundup (10/16/24) – Chevron Ruling’s Impact on Construction Industry, New Kind of Public Housing and Policy Recommendations from Sustainable Building Groups

    Heathrow Tempts Runway Opponents With $1,200 Christmas Sweetener

    Sinking Buildings on the Rise?

    Affordable Housing should not be Filled with Defects

    Ahlers, Cressman & Sleight PLLC Ranked Top Washington Law Firm By Construction Executive

    Exculpatory Provisions in Business Contracts

    Harmon Towers Duty to Defend Question Must Wait, Says Court

    California Committee Hosts a Hearing on Deadly Berkeley Balcony Collapse

    Do Construction Contracts and Fraud Mix After All?

    Sometimes a Reminder is in Order. . .

    Year and a Half Old Las Vegas VA Emergency Room Gets Rebuilt

    Can an Architect, Hired by an Owner, Be Sued by the General Contractor?

    Empowering Success: The Advantages of Female Attorneys in Construction Defect Law

    Newmeyer Dillion Announces New Partners

    Corps of Engineers to Prepare EIS for Permit to Construct Power Lines Over Historic James River

    Classify Workers Properly to Avoid Expensive Penalties

    Watch Your Step – Playing Golf on an Outdoor Course Necessarily Encompasses Risk of Encountering Irregularities in the Ground Surface

    Insurer's Motion to Dismiss Business Interruption, COVID-19 Claims Under Pollution Policy Fails
    Corporate Profile


    The Fairfield, Connecticut Building Expert Group is comprised from a number of credentialed construction professionals possessing extensive trial support experience relevant to construction defect and claims matters. Leveraging from more than 25 years experience, BHA provides construction related trial support and expert services to the nation's most recognized construction litigation practitioners, Fortune 500 builders, commercial general liability carriers, owners, construction practice groups, and a variety of state and local government agencies.

    Building Expert News & Info
    Fairfield, Connecticut

    Texas School District Accepts Settlement Agreement in Construction Defect Case

    October 08, 2014 —
    The Pine Tree ISD Board of Trustees “voted to accept a mediated settlement agreement to end litigation concerning the District’s middle school and its construction issues,” according to KETK News. Pine Tree ISD, located in Longview, Texas, “sued a number of defendant companies for construction and design defects at that campus.” The school district “will receive the total sum of $820,500,” which “will cover the District’s costs in remediating the campus to repair the construction problems, as well as implementing new systems designed to prevent future issues, both of which came out of the District’s general fund.” Read the court decision
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    UPDATE: ACS Obtains Additional $13.6 Million for General Contractor Client After $19.2 Million Jury Trial Victory

    June 27, 2022 —
    In March 2022, ACS obtained a $19.2 million jury verdict in favor of its general contractor client after a lengthy trial against the project owner. Since that time, ACS has successfully obtained awards through post-trial motion practice for an additional $13.6 million in favor of the general contractor. These awards increased to total judgment to more than $32 million. When moving to enter judgment on the jury verdict, ACS successfully argued for and obtained more than $5 million in prejudgment interest on the jury verdict to compensate the general contractor for having to go years without payment for work performed. ACS also successfully obtained a decree of foreclosure on its construction lien and incorporated language in the judgment requiring the owner to pay an additional $1.9 million in Washington State sales tax on the jury award. Finally, under the authority of the Washington construction lien statute (RCW 60.04.181), ACS sought to recover the attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses incurred by the general contractor client during the course of litigation. ACS succeeded in obtaining an award for more than $6.6 million for various expenses and costs including ACS’s attorney fees, all the costs of hiring expert witnesses, costs and expenses related to subcontractors’ presentation of pass-through claims against the owner, and other litigation costs and expenses. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Kristina Southwell, Ahlers Cressman & Sleight PLLC
    Ms. Southwell may be contacted at

    Colorado Passes Compromise Bill on Construction Defects

    May 03, 2017 —
    After four failed attempts, Colorado legislators have finally reached a compromise on construction defect legislation. This afternoon, HB17-1279 gained unanimous approval from the House Committee on State, Veterans, and Military Affairs. The bill is expected to pass both chambers easily and be signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper. Proponents say that a bill is needed spur more condominium construction in the state. They contend that homebuilders have been reluctant to construct multifamily projects in recent years based on a perceived fear that small groups of homeowners can file lawsuits in the name of their community associations without adequate the consent of other members. A 2013 study found that quality control and insurance costs only reduce homebuilder profits by a small amount, but concerns about litigation have nevertheless prompted some construction professionals to focus on constructing apartments and other products. Reprinted courtesy of Jesse Howard Witt, Acerbic Witt Mr. Witt may be contacted at Read the full story... Read the court decision
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    Fine Art Losses – “Canvas” the Subrogation Landscape

    February 26, 2024 —
    If a fire or flood destroys a high-net-worth client’s fine art collection, an insurer who pays out a claim related to the loss has an incentive to pursue subrogation. This article explores some of the issues an insurer should “canvas” before pursuing subrogation for these types of claims. Damage to fine art can occur in a number of ways. For instance, fine art may be damaged in a natural disaster – such as a flood or a wildfire. Artwork may also be accidentally damaged because of a transportation-related incident physically damaging the art. In addition, artwork may suffer fire or smoke damage from a fire within a building. Another possibility is that the artwork suffers damage because of renovations either to the insured’s home or a neighboring property. For example, a renovation contractor may damage artwork due to vibrations or leaking water. A construction worker, moreover, may turn with a tool in his hand, or trip and fall, damaging the artwork. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of William L. Doerler, White and Williams LLP
    Mr. Doerler may be contacted at

    Mitigation, Restructuring and Bankruptcy: Small Business Tools in the Era of COVID-19

    June 08, 2020 —
    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been sudden and severe. Worldwide, populations are dealing with a public health crisis, which has abruptly impacted the economy. As cases continue to increase across the United States, both the federal government and state governments, including California, are directing people to “shelter in place” and “socially distance” from each other in an attempt to curb the spread of the virus. These orders have generally shut down daily life except for “essential” businesses. As a direct result, the economy has come to an abrupt halt and many businesses have been forced to close or significantly reduce their operations. Concern for this economic impact is, in part, due to the speed and severity with which it has affected so many industries. With the current economic conditions, there is much speculation that bankruptcy filings, among not only individuals, but small businesses, will see a sudden increase in the coming months. Experts agree that filings will increase, the only question is when. Because of COVID-19’s economic impact, it is important that businesses make an assessment now, regarding their needs, assets, and liabilities, so they can best prepare to survive COVID-19, or to take proactive steps in preparing to enter bankruptcy or wind down. In making this assessment, one of the questions to ask is whether the business can survive with quick financing, to help bridge the gap between the current operating conditions and their return to normal. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Hannah Kreuser, Porter Law Group
    Ms. Kreuser may be contacted at

    If Passed, New Bill AB 2320 Will Mandate Cyber Insurance For State Government Contractors

    September 07, 2020 —
    Earlier this year, Assemblyman Edwin Chau (D-Monterey Park) introduced Assembly Bill 2320. AB 2320, if passed, would require any business that contracts with the state and has access to records containing personal information protected under the state’s Information Practices Act (IPA) to maintain cyber insurance coverage. Information covered under the IPA includes names, social security numbers, physical descriptions, home addresses, home telephone numbers, education, financial matters, and medical or employment history. Requiring contractors to maintain cyber insurance will likely both shift the costs of cyberattacks from taxpayers to the private sector, while also encouraging robust cyber security practices among businesses of all sizes. While the bill has not yet passed, businesses will be best served by implementing and improving cybersecurity practices now in order to attain lowest premium rates in the future. Incentivizing Best Practices With the adoption of AB 2320, businesses will be incentivized to increase their security posture in order to receive lower premiums from insurers. Simultaneously, insurers will be incentivized to mandate best practices from their insureds in order to mitigate their risk of having to pay out on cyber insurance policies. Thus, cyber insurance will work as a vehicle to increase best practices in businesses and subsequently decrease vulnerabilities to cyberattacks. Reprinted courtesy of Makenna Miller, Newmeyer Dillion and Jeffrey Dennis, Newmeyer Dillion Ms. Miller may be contacted at Mr. Dennis may be contacted at Read the court decision
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    Las Vegas Sphere Lawsuits Roll On in Nevada Courtrooms

    October 02, 2023 —
    Big concerts have yet to start at Las Vegas’ distinctive new ball-shaped entertainment venue, but the legal noise over its construction has been heard in Clark County courtrooms for more than two years. Reprinted courtesy of Richard Korman, Engineering News-Record Mr. Korman may be contacted at Read the full story... Read the court decision
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    Florida Supreme Court Decision Limits Special Damages Presented to Juries

    July 18, 2022 —
    Tampa, Fla. (June 16, 2022) - Verdicts in personal injury cases are greatly impacted by the amount of medical expenses a plaintiff can present to juries. In Florida, collateral sources of compensation, such as insurance payments, are generally not disclosed to juries. However, caselaw also typically does not allow plaintiffs to recover the gross amount of medical bills, but instead the amount after insurance adjustments. For decades, Florida courts have considered whether the bills are reduced by the adjustments before or after verdict. The recent Florida Supreme Court decision in Dial v. Calusa Palms Master Association, Inc., No. SC21-43 (Fla. Apr. 28, 2022), has standardized the way past medical expenses are presented to juries where the plaintiff was treated under Medicare. As is commonly understood, the original amount billed by medical providers is far different than the amount actually paid. Most treatment is subject to some private or government insurance and those insurers typically have negotiated rates for treatment. Thus, the bills are reduced subject to insurance contractual adjustments and the resulting net bills are far lower. For decades, defense attorneys have argued that juries should hear only the lower net amount. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of John Rine, Lewis Brisbois
    Mr. Rine may be contacted at