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    Fairfield, Connecticut

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    Current Law Summary: Case law precedent

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    Guidelines Fairfield Connecticut

    License required for electrical and plumbing trades. No state license for general contracting, however, must register with the State.

    Building Expert Contractors Building Industry
    Association Directory
    Home Builders & Remo Assn of Fairfield Co
    Local # 0780
    433 Meadow St
    Fairfield, CT 06824

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    Builders Association of Eastern Connecticut
    Local # 0740
    20 Hartford Rd Suite 18
    Salem, CT 06420

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    Home Builders Association of New Haven Co
    Local # 0720
    2189 Silas Deane Highway
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of Hartford Cty Inc
    Local # 0755
    2189 Silas Deane Hwy
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of NW Connecticut
    Local # 0710
    110 Brook St
    Torrington, CT 06790

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    Home Builders Association of Connecticut (State)
    Local # 0700
    3 Regency Dr Ste 204
    Bloomfield, CT 06002

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    Building Expert News and Information
    For Fairfield Connecticut

    Arizona Contractor Designs Water-Repellant Cabinets

    Settlement Reached in California Animal Shelter Construction Defect Case

    Contract Construction Smarts: Helpful Provisions for Dispute Resolution

    West Virginia Couple Claim Defects in Manufactured Home

    Three White and Williams Lawyers Named Top Lawyers by Delaware Today

    Breach of a Construction Contract & An Equitable Remedy?

    Indemnity Payment to Insured Satisfies SIR

    Third Circuit Follows Pennsylvania Law - Damage Caused by Faulty Workmanship Does Not Arise from an Occurrence

    Workers on Big California Bridge Tackle Oil Wells, Seismic Issues

    New Orleans Drainage System Recognized as Historic Civil Engineering Landmark

    Solutions To 4 Common Law Firm Diversity Challenges

    Best Lawyers Recognizes Hundreds of Lewis Brisbois Attorneys, Honors Four Partners as ‘Lawyers of the Year’

    ASCE Statement on Congress Passage of National Debt Limit Suspension

    Oregon to Add 258,000 Jobs by 2022, State Data Shows

    Illinois Supreme Court Announces Time Standards for Closing Out Cases

    How a Robot-Built Habitat on Mars Could Change Construction on Earth

    Environmental Suit Against Lockheed Martin Dismissed

    Angelo Mozilo Speaks: No Regrets at Countrywide

    Congress to be Discussing Housing

    Vinci Will Build $580M Calgary Project To Avoid Epic Flood Repeat

    Building and Landscape Standards Enacted in Response to the Governor's Mandatory Water Restrictions Dealing with the Drought and Possible Effects of El Niño

    Ex-San Francisco DPW Director Sentenced to Seven Years in Corruption Case

    Cybersecurity on Your Project: Why Not Follow National Security Strategy?

    Want to Stay Up on Your Mechanic’s Lien Deadlines? Write a Letter or Two

    Water Bond Would Authorize $7.5 Billion for California Water Supply Infrastructure Projects

    TARP Funds Demolish Homes in Detroit to Lift Prices: Mortgages

    Proposed Florida Construction Defect Act

    Recent Amendments and Caselaw Affecting the Construction Industry in Texas

    Hong Kong Property Tycoon Makes $533 Million Bet on Solar

    Balancing Cybersecurity Threats in Smart Cities: Is the Potential Convenience of “Smart” Intersections Worth the Risk?

    Real Estate & Construction News Round-Up (05/11/22)

    Fatal Boston Garage Demolition Leaves Long Road to Recovery

    US Supreme Court Orders All Mountain Valley Gas Line Work to Proceed

    Another Worker Dies in Boston's Latest Construction Accident

    The Importance of Engaging Design Professional Experts Early, with a Focus on Massachusetts Law

    Force Majeure, Construction Delays, Labor Shortages and COVID-19

    Do Not Pass Go! Duty to Defend in a Professional Services Agreement (law note)

    Governmental Immunity Waived for Independent Contractor - Lopez v. City of Grand Junction

    Cal/OSHA Approves COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards; Executive Order Makes Them Effective Immediately

    Contractors Liable For Their Subcontractor’s Failure To Pay Its Employees’ Wages And Benefits

    Virtual Mediation – How Do I Make It Work for Me?

    Playing Hot Potato: Indemnity Strikes Again

    Home Prices on the Rise

    Mass-Timber Furnished Apartments Fare Well in Fire Tests

    Liability Insurer Precluded from Intervening in Insured’s Lawsuit

    More Business Value from Drones with Propeller and Trimble – Interview with Rory San Miguel

    The Complex Insurance Coverage Reporter – A Year in Review

    Flushing Away Liability: What the Aqua Engineering Case Means for Contractors and Subcontractors

    'Taylor Swift Is an Economic Phenomenon': CE's Q1 2024 Economic Update and Forecast

    The Harmon Hotel Construction Defect Trial to Begin
    Corporate Profile


    The Fairfield, Connecticut Building Expert Group at BHA, leverages from the experience gained through more than 7,000 construction related expert witness designations encompassing a wide spectrum of construction related disputes. Leveraging from this considerable body of experience, BHA provides construction related trial support and expert services to Fairfield's most recognized construction litigation practitioners, commercial general liability carriers, owners, construction practice groups, as well as a variety of state and local government agencies.

    Building Expert News & Info
    Fairfield, Connecticut

    Anatomy of an Indemnity Provision

    January 28, 2015 —
    Indemnity clauses are one of the most negotiated (and litigated) provisions in a construction contract. They are also one of the most least understood. But we’re here to dissect it for you, so to speak. What is an indemnity clause? An indemnity clause is simply a risk transfer provision that seeks to transfer risk from one party to another party. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Garret Murai, Wendel Rosen Black & Dean LLP
    Mr. Murai may be contacted at

    Berger: FIGG Is Slow To Hand Over All Bridge Collapse Data

    November 12, 2019 —
    The Florida International University Tragedy About half an hour before the almost-completed pedestrian bridge collapsed onto a busy Miami-area road last year, killing six people, Denney Pate, the bridge’s engineer-of-record, sent a text to Linda Figg, the chief executive of FIGG Bridge Engineers. Richard Korman, Engineering News-Record Mr. Korman may be contacted at Read the full story... Read the court decision
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    Traub Lieberman Partner Michael Logan and Associate Christian Romaguera Obtain Voluntary Dismissal in Favor of Construction Company Under the Vertical Immunity Doctrine

    June 21, 2024 —
    In a lawsuit filed in Orange County, Traub Lieberman Partner Michael Logan and Associate Christian Romaguera achieved a voluntary dismissal in favor of their Client, a construction company. The Plaintiff claimed that he was seriously and permanently injured, and demanded $1,000,000.00. The Plaintiff turned out to be an employee of our Client’s subcontractor, and the Plaintiff received worker’s compensation benefits from his employer, the subcontractor. Under Florida Statute § 440.11(1), “The liability of an employer . . . shall be exclusive and in place of all other liability, including vicarious liability, of such employer to any third-party tortfeasor and to the employee . . .” When a subcontractor provides workers’ compensation benefits to its injured employee, workers’ compensation immunity would not only apply to the subcontractor but to the general contractor as well. This is also known as “vertical immunity.” The Traub Lieberman team filed a detailed motion and memorandum of law to argue its case, and the Plaintiff voluntarily withdrew the claim against the Client just before that motion was set to be argued before the Judge. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Christian Romaguera, Traub Lieberman
    Mr. Romaguera may be contacted at

    Home Prices in 20 U.S. Cities Kept Climbing in January

    April 06, 2016 —
    Home values in 20 U.S. cities kept climbing in January, a sign the limited supply of available properties may push prices out of reach for some buyers. The S&P/Case-Shiller index of property values increased 5.7 percent from January 2015, following a 5.6 percent gain in the year ended in December, the group said Tuesday in New York. That matched the median projection of 26 economists surveyed by Bloomberg. Nationally, prices rose 5.4 percent year-over-year. Home values that are rising more quickly than incomes could pose a problem for the housing recovery, as they put purchases out of reach for first-time and low-income buyers. A wider selection of available homes will be needed to help keep price increases in an accessible range. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Victoria Stilwell, Bloomberg

    Insured Cannot Sue to Challenge Binding Appraisal Decision

    December 16, 2023 —
    The court dismissed the insured condominium association's challenge to an appraisal award. The Courtyards at Prairie Fields Condominium Association v. West Band Mut. Ins. Co., 2023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 169458 (N. D. Ill. Sept. 22, 2023). In July 2020, the insured filed a claim with West Bend for damage to the property's roof and other building components as a result of wind and hail. West Bend inspected and estimated the replacement cost for the damage was $60,989.54. This amount was paid to the insured minus the $10,000 deductible. The insured believed the damage was so severe that the roofs need to be replaced, which the insured estimated would cost $1,389,600. The insured demanded an appraisal. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Tred R. Eyerly, Damon Key Leong Kupchak Hastert
    Mr. Eyerly may be contacted at

    Pennsylvania: When Should Pennsylvania’s New Strict Products Liability Law Apply?

    February 05, 2015 —
    Pennsylvania has maintained its own peculiar brand of strict products liability law ever since the Supreme Court decided Azzarello v. Black Bros. Co., Inc.[1] in 1978. Maligned by many as “absurd and unworkable,”[2] if “excessively” orientated towards plaintiffs,[3] Azzarello’s unique approach to the Restatement (Second) of Torts § 402A (1965)[4] has recently been judicially consigned to the dustbin of history. In Tincher v. Omega Flex, Inc.,[5] decided on November 19, 2014, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court expressly overruled Azzarello leaving in its place a new alternative standards approach to proving a Section 402A claim. An injured worker or subrogated insurer[6] must still prove that the seller, whether a manufacturer or a distributor, placed the product on the market in a “defective condition unreasonably dangerous to the consumer.”[7] But now, under Tincher, a plaintiff must use either a “consumer expectation test” or a “risk-utility test” to establish that criterion.[8] Reprinted courtesy of Robert Caplan, White and Williams LLP and Timothy Carroll, White and Williams LLP Mr. Caplan may be contacted at; Mr. Carroll may be contacted at Read the court decision
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    Balancing Risk and Reward: The Complexities of Stadium Construction Projects

    April 15, 2024 —
    From grand designs to opening day, stadium construction projects present a captivating blend of high-profile opportunities and significant challenges and risks. Navigating this complex landscape is not easy, but when managed properly, the potential rewards, both in terms of reputation and finances, can make it a gamble worth taking. While each stadium project is different, some of the more common risks include:
    1. Securing adequate labor, materials and equipment based on the size of the project;
    2. Logistical concerns regarding the concurrent performance of multiple trade scopes on a single site;
    3. Protection of work in place from weather due to the large footprint of the stadium project;
    4. Cash flow issues caused by protracted change order processing, conflicting and/or onerous payment requirements from project financing entities, and reimbursement of considerable monthly general condition costs; and
    5. Meeting the schedule requirements for the project.
    Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Gregory A. Eichorn, Peckar & Abramson, P.C.
    Mr. Eichorn may be contacted at

    California’s Labor Enforcement Task Force Continues to Set Fire to the Underground Economy

    February 16, 2016 —
    If you’re a fan of the Hunger Games trilogy, either the books or the movies, you’re likely familiar with “The Hob,” the black market in District 12 where people buy and sell banned items. It’s where bow-wielding protagonist Katniss Everdeen and her childhood friend Gale Hawthorne sell their poached game and where, in the movie but not the book (what can we say, we’re fans), Katniss obtains the “mockingjay” pin which she is later associated with. While The Hob is largely ignored by soldiers of the totalitarian “Capitol,” in the third book Catching Fire, the Hob is reduced to a pile of rubbish and ash by the Capital as an example to punish the insurrectionists led by Katniss. The Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF), a joint task force composed of several of California’s agencies including the Contractors State License Board, Department of Industrial Relations and Employment Development Department is also setting fire, at least figuratively, to California’s underground economy. See our earlier post Joint Labor Task Force Targets Underground Economy for further background on LETF. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Evelin Y. Bailey, Wendel Rosen Black & Dean LLP
    Ms. Bailey may be contacted at