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    Fairfield, Connecticut

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    Current Law Summary: Case law precedent

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    Guidelines Fairfield Connecticut

    License required for electrical and plumbing trades. No state license for general contracting, however, must register with the State.

    Building Expert Contractors Building Industry
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    Local # 0780
    433 Meadow St
    Fairfield, CT 06824

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    Builders Association of Eastern Connecticut
    Local # 0740
    20 Hartford Rd Suite 18
    Salem, CT 06420

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    Home Builders Association of New Haven Co
    Local # 0720
    2189 Silas Deane Highway
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of Hartford Cty Inc
    Local # 0755
    2189 Silas Deane Hwy
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of NW Connecticut
    Local # 0710
    110 Brook St
    Torrington, CT 06790

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    Home Builders Association of Connecticut (State)
    Local # 0700
    3 Regency Dr Ste 204
    Bloomfield, CT 06002

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    Building Expert News and Information
    For Fairfield Connecticut

    Construction Employment Rose in 38 States from 2013 to 2014

    Expert Medical Science Causation Testimony Improperly Excluded under Daubert; ID of Sole Cause of Medical Condition Not Required

    McGraw Hill to Sell off Construction-Data Unit

    High Attendance Predicted for West Coast Casualty Seminar

    As Trump Visits Border, Texas Landowners Prepare to Fight the Wall

    North Dakota Supreme Court Clarifies Breadth of Contractual Liability Coverage

    “You Can’t Climb a Tile Wall”

    Chinese Demand Rush for Australia Homes to Stay, Ausin Says

    ZLien Startup has Discovered a Billion in Payments for Clients

    MBIA Seeks Data in $1 Billion Credit Suisse Mortgage Suit

    Condominiums and Homeowners Associations Remain Popular Housing Choices for U-S Homeowners

    In Colorado, Primary Insurers are Necessary Parties in Declaratory Judgment Actions

    Patent or Latent: An Important Question in Construction Defects

    New York Developer gets Reprieve in Leasehold Battle

    Nuclear Fusion Pushes to Reach Commercial Power Plant Stage

    Washington School District Sues Construction Company Over Water Pipe Damage

    ASCE Statement on Congress Passage of WRDA 2024

    Will European Insurers’ Positive Response to COVID-19 Claims Influence US Insurers?

    The Advantages of Virtual Reality in Construction

    Insurance Companies Score Win at Supreme Court

    BHA Has a Nice Swing: Firm Supports NCHV and Final Salute at 2017 WCC Seminar

    Climate Disasters Are an Affordable Housing Problem

    Termination of Construction Contracts

    Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Calls for CFPB Investigation into Tenant Screening Businesses

    Risk Management and Contracting after Hurricane Irma: Suggestions to Avoid a Second Disaster

    2023 Executive Insights From Leaders in Construction Law

    Huh? Action on Construction Lien “Relates Back” Despite Notice of Contest of Lien

    United States Supreme Court Backtracks on Recent Trajectory Away from Assertions of General Jurisdiction in Mallory v. Norfolk Southern

    Residential Building Sector: Peaking or Soaring?

    LaGuardia Airport Is a Mess. An Engineer-Turned-Fund Manager Has a Fix

    Good and Bad News on Construction Employment

    California Appeals Court Says Loss of Use Is “Property Damage” Under Liability Policy, and Damages Can be Measured by Diminished Value

    Lien Release Bonds – Remove Liens, But Not All Liability

    A Court-Side Seat: Coal-Fired Limitations, the Search for a Venue Climate Change and New Agency Rules that May or May Not Stick Around

    Legislative Update: Bid Protest Law Changes to Benefit Contractors

    Insurer's In-House Counsel's Involvement in Coverage Decision Opens Door to Discovery

    The Ups and Downs of Elevator Maintenance Contractor's Policy Limits

    Smart Construction and the Future of the Construction Industry

    Court of Appeals Discusses the Difference Between “Claims-Made” and “Occurrence-Based” Insurance Policies

    Pennsylvania Federal Court Finds No Coverage For Hacking Claim Under E&O Policy

    Getting U.S to Zero Carbon Will Take a $2.5 Trillion Investment by 2030

    Florida Continues Enacting Tort Reforms, This Time Shortening the Statute of Repose

    No Coverage for Counterclaim Arising from Insured's Faulty Workmanship

    The Living Makes Buildings Better with Computational Design

    Texas School System Goes to Court over Construction Defect

    Safer Schools Rendered Unsafe Due to Construction Defects

    Condominium Association Wins $5 Million Judgment against Developer

    Stacking of Service Interruption and Contingent Business Interruption Coverages Permitted

    Condo Association Settles with Pulte Homes over Construction Defect Claims

    Construction Defects and Second Buyers in Pennsylvania
    Corporate Profile


    Leveraging from more than 7,000 construction defect and claims related expert witness designations, the Fairfield, Connecticut Building Expert Group provides a wide range of trial support and consulting services to Fairfield's most acknowledged construction practice groups, CGL carriers, builders, owners, and public agencies. Drawing from a diverse pool of construction and design professionals, BHA is able to simultaneously analyze complex claims from the perspective of design, engineering, cost, or standard of care.

    Building Expert News & Info
    Fairfield, Connecticut

    4 Ways to Mitigate Construction Disputes

    March 20, 2023 —
    Resolving construction disputes in litigation (court or arbitration) can be expensive and may drag on for years. Most disputes could have been avoided, or at least mitigated, had the parties (both owners and contractors) identified contract risks during negotiations and been more proactive in communicating the risks during execution of the work. This article highlights four practical risk management approaches that help all parties focus on their mutual interest in close coordination and clear communication at the beginning of the project as well as throughout performance:
    • Identifying and allocating risks;
    • Accurate scheduling;
    • Clear project documentation and communication; and
    • Real-time dispute resolution.
    The intent of these techniques is not to shift legal obligations or risks. Rather, the intent is to keep project personnel and project management for all the participants focused on communicating and working together, including responsibly confronting real problems to avoid or mitigate their impact. Allocating risks, scheduling, project documentation and communication, and real-time dispute resolution are independently relevant on a bilateral basis between the owner, designer, and the various contractors. These approaches and their diligent execution by the parties during construction contribute far more to a successful project than anything lawyers and claims consultants can contribute in after-the-fact legal proceedings. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Bill Shaughnessy, Jones Walker LLP (ConsensusDocs)
    Mr. Shaughnessy may be contacted at

    Pennsylvania Considers Changes to Construction Code Review

    November 06, 2013 —
    Pennsylvania may soon change how it adopts changes to its implementation of the Uniform Construction Code, but it’s not clear which method will be adopted, as the Pennsylvania House and Senate have competing bills. In the Senate bill (SB1023), the only change would be that any changes to the Uniform Building Code made by the International Code Council would automatically become part of the Pennsylvania building code, unless rejected by a two-thirds vote of the Pennsylvania UCC Review and Advisory Council. Under current Pennsylvania law, changes are adopted only with a two-thirds approval of the RAC. The House bill (HB1209), separates the commercial code from the residential code. Under the House proposal, the RAC would reject changes to the commercial building code on a two-thirds vote, otherwise they would be adopted, but in the residential building code, changes would be rejected unless the RAC approved them by a two-thirds vote. Read the court decision
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    Does the New Jersey Right-To-Repair Law Omit Too Many Construction Defects?

    January 06, 2012 —

    A post on the blog of Liberty Building Forensics Group find fault with the New Jersey Home Warranty and Builders’ Registration Act for not being stringent enough. The poster notes the coverage given under the bill. In the first year, builders are responsible to remedy faulty workmanship and materials and major structural defects. While other protections expire in the first or second year, there is a ten year coverage of major construction defects.

    The blogger finds fault with the exclusion New Jersey law places on these claims, arguing that “due to the stringent definition of ‘major construction defects,” the warranty affords no coverage unless the house is practically collapsing.” The bill excludes leaks, cracks, and mold, and further limits claims if the homeowner has failed to inform the builder or insurer of defects, failure to maintain the home, and alterations made by the homeowner.

    The intent of the New Jersey law is given as “requiring that newly constructed homes conform to certain construction and quality standards as well as to provide buyers of new homes with insurance-backed warranty protection in the event such standards are not met.” It’s argued in the piece that it instead serves to “strip homeowners of any meaningful means of recovery for discovered construction defects.”

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    Moving Toward a Telework Future: A Checklist of Considerations for Employers

    July 27, 2020 —
    Businesses contemplating moving to a virtual workplace in this post-COVID-19 world must consider the legal ramifications of such decisions. Virtual workplaces may provide businesses with many benefits, such as cost savings, access to a more geographically diverse worker pool and the possibility of more flexible employment relationships. But a virtual workplace may also include hidden employment-related issues, costs, and traps. This is especially so for California-based companies. This article identifies some of the significant employment-law issues related to transitioning to a virtual workplace. Specifically, this article analyzes three scenarios: (1) employers seeking to have their workers continue working from home; (2) workers desiring to continue working from home — and specifically, seeking to work outside of California; and (3) the hiring of new employees. Reprinted courtesy of Daniel F. Fears, Payne & Fears and Raymond J. Nhan, Payne & Fears Mr. Fears may be contacted at Mr. Nhan may be contacted at Read the court decision
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    Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Asbestos Exclusion in Alleged Failure to Disclose Case

    January 22, 2014 —
    In the case Phillips v. Parmelee, the Wisconsin Supreme court ruled “that an asbestos exclusion in a liability policy barred a duty to defend and indemnify a building seller for claims that the seller failed to disclose that the building contained asbestos,” according to an article in Mondaq by Ruth S. Kochenderfer and Deanna P. Cook, both from Steptoe & Johnson LLP. The policyholder received a building report stating that the “heating ducts likely contained asbestos,” however, the buyers alleged that the policyholder never provided them the report. After the buyers purchased the property, contractors “cut through the heating ducts, unknowingly dispersing asbestos throughout the building.” According to Kochenderfer and Cook’s article, “The insurer intervened in the buyers' suit and sought summary judgment against the policyholder and buyers, arguing that an asbestos exclusion precluded coverage for the buyers' suit against the policyholder.” The buyers took the case to the Wisconsin Supreme court and “attacked the asbestos exclusion,” but the court rejected every argument. Kochenderfer and Cook stated that the “decision is significant because three courts, including Wisconsin's highest court, squarely rejected attempts to narrow a broad, clearly-worded asbestos exclusion. Further, it confirms that such an asbestos exclusion will apply to all causes of action, including an alleged failure to disclose the presence of asbestos.” Read the court decision
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    Buildings Don't Have To Be Bird-Killers

    February 07, 2022 —
    The narrow stretch that separates Quay Tower from a thatch of bamboo and oaks in Brooklyn Bridge Park doesn’t look like much, especially in winter. Unless you’re a bird. To a bird, the copper-colored building’s glass is a mirror, reflecting the thick grove of trees and suggesting that the wilderness continues across the road. To a bird, that can be a deadly mistake. “You see that reflection? To a bird that looks like a tree, that is a tree, and they will go right for the tree,” says Catherine Quayle, social media director at the Wild Bird Fund. The surprising uptake of birding as a pandemic hobby, along with social media and data collection tools like eBird and dBird, has created new visibility for bird collisions with glass, which kill as many as 1 billion birds in the U.S. per year. At the same time, a new generation of urban parks has given birds more places to roost in highly populated areas. But something else has followed these parks as well: real estate capital. The vogue for urban parks creates more economic impetus to build shiny buildings with big windows opposite those urban wetlands, glades and groves. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Alexandra Lange, Bloomberg

    Manhattan Condos at Half Price Reshape New York’s Harlem

    August 20, 2014 —
    Jason and Robyn Turetsky watched from their window as, brick by brick, a new condominium development rose across 116th Street in New York’s Harlem. The Turetskys, who married in December, decided to buy a three-bedroom, 1,500-square-foot (140-square-meter) unit at the Adeline, right across from their current rental. Staying in the neighborhood presented a better value than anywhere else they’d considered, including the Upper East Side and Upper West Side, where Robyn lived before moving in with Jason, the couple said. “For the amenities that were going to be provided at the Adeline and the size of the apartment, we could just get much more for our money in Harlem,” said Robyn Turetsky, a 28-year-old clinical dietitian. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Jonathan LaMantia, Bloomberg
    Mr. Lamantia may be contacted at

    Determining Duty to Defend in Wisconsin Does Not Include Extrinsic Evidence

    September 22, 2016 —
    The policyholder's attempt to extend the duty to defend analysis beyond the complaint's allegations and the four-corners of the policy failed before the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Water Well Solutions Service Group Inc. v. Consolidated Ins. Co., 2016 Wisc. LEXIS 163 (Wis. Sup. Ct. June 30, 2016). Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Tred R. Eyerly, Insurance Law Hawaii
    Mr. Eyerly may be contacted at