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    Fairfield, Connecticut

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    Current Law Summary: Case law precedent

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    Guidelines Fairfield Connecticut

    License required for electrical and plumbing trades. No state license for general contracting, however, must register with the State.

    Building Expert Contractors Building Industry
    Association Directory
    Home Builders & Remo Assn of Fairfield Co
    Local # 0780
    433 Meadow St
    Fairfield, CT 06824

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    Builders Association of Eastern Connecticut
    Local # 0740
    20 Hartford Rd Suite 18
    Salem, CT 06420

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    Home Builders Association of New Haven Co
    Local # 0720
    2189 Silas Deane Highway
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of Hartford Cty Inc
    Local # 0755
    2189 Silas Deane Hwy
    Rocky Hill, CT 06067

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    Home Builders Association of NW Connecticut
    Local # 0710
    110 Brook St
    Torrington, CT 06790

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    Home Builders Association of Connecticut (State)
    Local # 0700
    3 Regency Dr Ste 204
    Bloomfield, CT 06002

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    Building Expert News and Information
    For Fairfield Connecticut

    The Requirement to State a “Sum Certain” No Longer a Jurisdictional Bar to Government Contract Claims

    Climate-Proofing Your Home: Upgrades to Weather a Drought

    Gaps in Insurance Created by Complex Risks

    Anti-Concurrent Causation Clause Eliminates Loss from Hurricane

    Retired Judge Claims Asbestos in Courthouse gave him Cancer

    Haight Celebrates 2024 New Partner Promotions!

    M&A Representation and Warranty Insurance Considerations in the Wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic

    The National Labor Relations Board Joint Employer Standard is Vacated by the Eastern District of Texas

    Boston Developer Sues Contractor Alleging Delays That Cost Millions

    Arbitration is Waivable (Even If You Don’t Mean To)

    Conspirators Bilked Homeowners in Nevada Construction Defect Claims

    Rio Olympic Infrastructure Costs of $2.3 Billion Are Set to Rise

    Biden's Next 100 Days: Major Impacts Expected for the Construction Industry

    New York Court Rules on Architect's Duty Under Contract and Tort Principles

    Damages in First Trial Establishing Liability of Tortfeasor Binding in Bad Faith Trial Against Insurer

    Contractor Side Deals Can Waive Rights

    Bremer Whyte Congratulates Nicole Nuzzo on OCBA Professionalism and Ethics Committee Appointment

    Michael Baker Intl. Settles Federal Pay Bias Allegations

    Real Estate & Construction News Round-Up 04/06/22

    Identifying and Accessing Coverage in Complex Construction Claims

    Florida Passes Tort Reform Bill

    How Long is Your Construction Warranty?

    Los Angeles Could Be Devastated by the Next Big Earthquake

    Scope of Alaska’s Dump Lien Statute Substantially Reduced For Natural Gas Contractors

    MTA Implements Revised Contractors Debarment Regulations

    MTA Debarment Update

    Associated Builders and Contractors Northern California Chapter Announces New President/CEO

    NY Appellate Court Holds Common Interest Privilege Applies to Parties to a Merger

    Proving Contractor Licensure in California. The Tribe Has Spoken

    Arizona Court of Appeals Rules Issues Were Not Covered in Construction Defect Suit

    Give Way or Yield? The Jurisdiction of Your Contract Does Matter! (Law note)

    ISO Proposes New Designated Premises Endorsement in Response to Hawaii Decision

    Atlantic City Faces Downward Spiral With Revel’s Demise

    Condemnation Actions: How Valuable Is Your Evidence of Property Value?

    "My Bad, I Thought It Was in Good Faith" is Not Good Enough - Contractor Ordered to Pay Prompt Payment Penalties

    Unintended Consequences of New Building Products and Services

    One More Mechanic’s Lien Number- the Number 30

    The National Building Museum’s A-Mazing Showpiece

    Landmark Montana Supreme Court Decision Series: Known Loss Doctrine & Interpretation of “Occurrence”

    Weyerhaeuser Leaving Home Building Business

    Seven Proactive Steps to Avoid Construction Delay Disputes

    Product Liability Economic Loss Rule and “Other Property” Damage

    Determining the Cause of the Loss from a Named Windstorm when there is Water Damage - New Jersey

    Consider Arbitration Provision in Homebuilder’s Warranty and Purchase-and-Sale Agreement

    Fixing That Mistake

    Did Deutsche Make a Deal with the Wrong Homeowner?

    Application of Set-Off When a Defendant Settles in Multiparty Construction Dispute

    Fannie Overseer Moves to Rescue Housing With Lower Risk to Lenders

    Henderson Land to Spend $839 Million on Hong Kong Retail Complex

    Extreme Weather Events Show Why the Construction Supply Chain Needs a Risk-Management Transformation
    Corporate Profile


    The Fairfield, Connecticut Building Expert Group at BHA, leverages from the experience gained through more than 7,000 construction related expert witness designations encompassing a wide spectrum of construction related disputes. Leveraging from this considerable body of experience, BHA provides construction related trial support and expert services to Fairfield's most recognized construction litigation practitioners, commercial general liability carriers, owners, construction practice groups, as well as a variety of state and local government agencies.

    Building Expert News & Info
    Fairfield, Connecticut

    A Word to the Wise about Construction Defects

    October 10, 2013 —
    A post on The Buckner Blog suggests that “construction defects” are the scariest words for architects, engineers, and contractors. With the possible outcomes of a damaged reputation and astronomical costs, it’s not a surprise. Further, builders are using techniques that “have yet to be tested in real application over time.” As a result, “whoever has the deepest pockets or the most to lose becomes the primary target.” While a commercial general liability policy might pay for damage caused by a construction defect, the post notes that “it does not, however, cover the costs to remedy your work.” That cost could be “greater than the actual property damages incurred.” The post recommends a combination of transferring risk and risk control In transferring risk, the builder uses “indemnification and hold harmless agreements as well as inditional insured requirements in their construction contracts.” They advise to “request coverage as an additional insured on a primary basis.” And then there’s risk control. “Work only with architects, engineers and contactors who have good reputations and a track record of performance. Don’t cut corners.” By some careful planning, builders might “sleep better at night.” Read the court decision
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    Construction Contractor “Mean Tweets” Edition

    June 04, 2024 —
    Back in the day, if someone had a problem with you the rules of school yard jungle dictated that they had better tell it to your face or you had the right to call them out on it. That, of course, was back then. These days, with social media seemingly everywhere (e.g., Yelp, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), if someone has a problem with you they tell you . . . as well as the rest of the world . . . to your digital face. Jimmy Kimmel has even made it a “thing” with his celebrity “Mean Tweets” segments. In Paglia & Associates Construction, Inc. v. Hamilton, 98 Cal.App.5th 318 (2023), homeowner Vanessa Hamilton was sued by her contractor Paglia & Associates Construction, Inc. doing business as Protech Construction after she posted critical comments to her blog and on Yelp about work performed by Paglia at her home. The Paglia Case In or about 2016, after a tree fell on her house, Hamilton’s insurer, Safeco, recommended Paglia to perform the repairs. Paglia and Hamilton entered into a repair contract in 2016 but Paglia did not finish the work until sometime in 2017 claiming that the repair was extensive because Hamilton’s circa 1923 home was in poor condition and current building codes required extensive reconstruction. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Garret Murai, Nomos LLP
    Mr. Murai may be contacted at

    New Pedestrian, Utility Bridge Takes Shape on Everett Waterfront

    December 16, 2019 —
    Amidst the constraints of weight limits, a seawall, a waterfront restaurant and high-voltage power poles, crews from ICI Interwest Construction Inc. and heavy mover Oxbo Mega Transport Solutions positioned a $20 million, 282-ft-long pedestrian and utility bridge in place this fall along the Everett, Washington, waterfront. Reprinted courtesy of Tim Newcomb, Engineering News-Record ENR may be contacted at Read the full story... Read the court decision
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    N.J. Appellate Court Confirms that AIA Construction Contract Bars Insurer's Subrogation Claim

    September 10, 2019 —
    On April 4, 2019, the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court confirmed that the waiver of subrogation provision in a commonly used form construction contract, American Institute of Architects (AIA) form A201 — 2007 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, precluded an insurer’s claims against a subcontractor. In Ace American Ins. Co. v. American Medical Plumbing, Inc., the court considered Ace American Insurance Company’s (Ace) subrogation claim against a plumbing subcontractor who was allegedly responsible for a water main leak that caused approximately $1.2 million in damages to Ace’s insured, Equinox Development Corporation (Equinox). In March 2012, Equinox entered into a contract with Grace Construction Management Company, LLC (Grace) to build the “core and shell” of a new health club. Equinox and Grace used AIA form A201 for their contract. Grace then hired American Medical Plumbing, Inc. (American) as a plumbing subcontractor for the project. In April 2013, the water main failed, flooding the health club. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C.
    Saxe Doernberger & Vita, P.C. may be contacted at

    Angela Cooner Named "Top Lawyer" by Phoenix Magazine in Inaugural Publication

    October 10, 2022 —
    Phoenix, Ariz. (September 7, 2022) – Phoenix Partner Angela L. Cooner was recently recognized for her work in Commercial Litigation by Phoenix Magazine in its inaugural list of Top Lawyers. Ms. Cooner was named a Top Lawyer after Phoenix Magazine partnered with research firm Data Joe to collect and tally online survey results from local practicing attorneys. The survey asks respondents to provide the names of up to three attorneys they deem the best in 39 legal specialties. After the votes are tallied and the nominees are confirmed to be members of Valley-based firms and in good standing, the top 10-20% of vote-getters in each category are named to the Top Lawyers list. Ms. Cooner is a member of Lewis Brisbois’ Construction and General Liability Practices. For more than two decades, she has managed an array of matters, including construction litigation, complex commercial litigation, professional liability cases, product liability issues, premises liability cases, and real estate litigation. Earlier this year, she was appointed vice-chair of the State Bar of Arizona’s inaugural Board of Legal Specialization Construction Defect Law Advisory Commission. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Angela L. Cooner, Lewis Brisbois
    Ms. Cooner may be contacted at

    Toolbox Talk Series Recap - The New Science of Jury Trial Advocacy

    December 31, 2024 —
    In the November 21, 2024 edition of Division 1's Toolbox Talk Series, John Jerry Glas discussed how construction lawyers should adjust their trial strategies in response to shifts in juror attitudes. Glas believes that jurors have changed in the last twenty years, with modern jurors being more reluctant than ever to be seen as a lawyer’s puppet. Instead, they simply want a lawyer to help them organize and wade through evidence without spinning it and without spoon-feeding it. Essentially, Glas believes that lawyers achieve better jury trial results if they acknowledge the paradigm shift in jury psychology and reinvent themselves in response by influencing jury deliberations without directly telling a jury what to do. Glas refers to this as the “Waiter Pivot” and recently published a book on the topic. Throughout his presentation, Glas discussed how construction lawyers can embrace the Waiter Pivot throughout a jury trial:
    • Voir Dire: Lawyers make their first impressions on a jury during voir dire. As such, lawyers should avoid questions that make jurors feel judged or stereotyped. Instead, give the jurors credit and make use of the opportunity to begin framing their case. For example, Glas once repeated the word “specifications” or “specs” in every question during voir dire where his product liability case turned on whether or not the product deviated from specifications.
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    Reprinted courtesy of Douglas J. Mackin, Cozen O’Connor
    Mr. Mackin may be contacted at

    IRMI Expert Commentary: Managing Insurance Coverage from Multiple Insurers

    May 11, 2020 —
    What do you do when less is more? In many loss scenarios, triggering coverage under multiple policies can be a critical and effective strategy. However, doing so has the potential to complicate the insurance recovery proceedings immensely, and possibly even undermine those overall goals. The relation of "other insurance" clauses, allocation schemes, and the practical impacts of interacting with multiple insurers can all leave the insured with some difficult questions. We present here several scenarios that illustrate how these concerns can arise and how they should be addressed to avoid running into what The Notorious B.I.G.—had he been a coverage lawyer—would have called "The More Coverage We Come Across, the More Problems We See." The "Other Insurance" Issue This first scenario is where a single-year loss implicates multiple lines of coverage. Consider the following: a general contractor (GC) faces a property damage liability claim from an owner. As a prudent insured, the GC notifies its customary first line of defense, its commercial general liability (CGL) insurer, to provide a defense. As knowledge of the claim evolves, it appears an element of pollution may be involved. The GC also places its pollution insurer on notice. Later, it's determined that the GC may have a professional liability exposure, so it tenders a claim to its professional liability insurer. Now assume that each insurer accepts coverage. Reprinted courtesy of Saxe Doernberger & Vita attorneys Gregory D. Podolak, Philip B. Wilusz and Ashley McWilliams Mr. Podolak may be contacted at Mr. Wilusz may be contacted at Ms. McWilliams may be contacted at Read the court decision
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    Primer Debuts on Life-Cycle Assessments of Embodied Carbon in Buildings

    August 20, 2018 —
    A recently released primer for the use of a life-cycle assessment approach to analyze the environmental impacts of buildings is considered a small but necessary step toward the ambitious goal of getting to net-zero embodied carbon and operational greenhouse gas emissions in the construction, operation and decommissioning of buildings. The LCA guide comes after the release of the first-of-its-kind benchmarking database of embodied carbon in existing buildings. And another first—a tool to calculate embodied carbon in construction—is on the horizon. Read the court decision
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    Reprinted courtesy of Engineering News-Record
    ENR may be contacted at